[b][i]Ascot[/i][/b] [quote=@Thelxinoe] The ship on a distant plateau, having landed and not fallen like the wreckage and was clearing snow out from under it occasionally, opened its hard points as a small life sign crept towards it. The cannons waited for it to come close enough then fired, vaporizing the furry rodent on contact. It wasn't loud, but it echoed, very softly. Not loud enough at a distance for a human to hear without assistance, anything more sensitive would definitely pick it up though. That and a small burst of non-harming EM radiation from the heated air around it, probably causing a dim flash. Most certainly odd for a planet that was supposed to be deserted of advanced life, although it could certainly be a misfire from a wreckage, but it was still too early to know. [/quote] Ashbringer's sensors picked up the burst of radiation and Ascot, making a decision, flew the Mech to the source of the strange signal. As the mech moved closer, the young man sensed another mind drawing near, one clearly not human, but similar enough. As for A-150 Shikishima, he'd see the approach of Ashbringer and if he cross-referenced it with various mech models, he can find out that this was a machine like no other, a machine which was powered by raw psionic force and not just natural heat and electricity. Then Ascot, realizing that his apprroach could be taken as hostile, said through the comms, "Hey, mind if we talk? A colony here just went missing and I am trying to find out what caused it. Can I ask if you know anything about it? If not, would you mind if I search the area near you?" A pause, "And finally, you have a ship - Can I pay for passage on it later?" [b][i]Michael[/i][/b] Michael the Ivory Flash, seeing the clouds block him, decided to have Light's Wrath enter the area, taking his chances that he can threaten the criminals to talk with him in exchange for not being obliterated right away. As he broke through the lower atmosphere, finally coming into sight range, Michael tried to land some ways away from the criminals' expected position in order to keep himself hidden a few seconds longer. But if that attempt failed, he'd wait for them to hail him - They should realize the folly of shooting at him right way, after all... [@Blizz]