"[color=lavender]This planet is so different from Terra. I suppose I've seen a few ruins, glancing around, but you couldn't throw a stone without hitting some old apartment building or something back home.[/color]" Lyra had really been enjoying her flight up, and now she was taking her time to enjoy the serene mountain landscape. It was beautiful, almost as though the land had been untouched… almost. Something about this place felt strange. Jesse agreed with her about that, so she wasn't imagining it, but neither of them could really pick out what it was. "[color=lavender]Though, as nice as it is here, I'm definitely glad The Embrace was able to hone in on where we were looking to go, specifically. I could have spent [i]weeks[/i] running around without a solid lead.[/color]" [i][color=skyblue] It was a good thing we found that salvage for them when we did. Without that scanning array- oh.[/color][/i] Just as Lyra heard something nearby - a voice? - Jesse felt something nearby and gave her a notification on her visor. An unassociated Aeva, their objective, was nearby. Lyra's vulpine ear swiveled around to search for whatever she'd heard, just in time to catch the question repeated for her to hear. She turned to see a girl and - hey, the Aeva she was looking for! That was easy, though she had hoped to meet on her own terms. Though… that didn't matter, she was basically here to make friends, right? This was just fine. Make friends and introduce an entire planet's population to the wonders of the Aeva and civilization in space, without causing their society to melt down. No pressure or anything. The girl, absolutely [i]ecstatic[/i] to see her, stopped right in front of her and rattled off a series of very informative questions. This girl was aware of space travel? Well, if the young lady was going to be so informative, Lyra should be courteous. "[color=lavender]Zarah and Zigma. Ooh, what pretty names,[/color]" she liked the way they sounded in her sensitive ears. "[color=lavender]I'm Lyra. Jessica's currently hiding in my tail. Jesse~, come say hi, babe,[/color]" she cooed, coaxing her light blue friend out from the fluff. Jessica chimed softly before ducking back into her fuzzy abode. "[color=lavender]Haha, oh, fine,[/color]" a shake of her head and Lyra's attention came back to Zarah and Zigma. "[color=lavender]Sorry, she's shy these days.[/color]" Now, how to respond to those questions of hers. Lying wouldn't get her far, not since they both had Aeva, and she didn't like it anyway; made things complicated. She'd probably have to correct misconceptions later, too, so better to just be honest or avoid questions that might be problematic in the public. Whatever "public" meant around here, she simply didn't know enough to make a spectacle of herself just yet. Spectacular as she might be to locals (tail, ears, Aeva, tech), she had to be cautious. Not everyone would be as receptive as Zarah. The girl had asked something else, as she came skittering down the slope to meet her. Perhaps she would leave the questions about her spaceship for now. "[color=lavender]Trazie? Is that what you call the world?[/color]" She'd dance the line between being an offworlder and being from, say, across the sea until she felt confident she wouldn't be sparking something nasty by admitting she's an alien from Terra.