Oda felt the sword nearly get ripped from his hands mid-swing and stepped backwards after sheathing his blade, starting at the door in disbelief. His warrior-like composure still in place, he kept his left hand on the katana and raised his right in a balled fist shaking with anger. [i]"NANI?! What kind of treachery is this? I will not be disrespected by a door!"[/i] Knowing a second attack would most likely receive the same treatment, he turned his icy glare to the robotic man that had emerged shortly after himself. He was about to open his mouth behind his black and gold Oni half mask, but was interrupted by a fantastic display of fireworks. This threw him off as the sound boomed throughout the room, causing the samurai to take a cautious step towards the closest wall. He still paid the others no attention, instead choosing to keep a lock on the dapper [i]thing[/i] in front of him. [i]"What kind of monster are you? It's obvious this is nobody's home, especially not yours as you come from the depths of Hell themselves. Speak, or feel the rage of one thousand suns backed by the entire force of the Land of the Rising Sun! As it's Champion, the one to Unite the people of my country, I will not accept further disrespect from peasants!"[/i] [color=yellow][b]As he finishes the grand speech, Oda settles into a sumo-type stance, left hand still resting on the hilt of his blade, trying to assert his alpha demeanor on those around him in a test of power.[/b][/color] [i]"Surrounded by beasts and peasants, a Samurai shall not falter!" [/i]