[Color=pink]Melanie Rose Pourri[/color][hr][I]Eukary Cafeteria, 12:20PM[/i] Melanie stood near the exit, twirling her long white fur around one clawed finger. She watched as the jackrabbit officer walked toward the towering hyena and maned wolf. Even though he was slightly taller than herself, he was dwarfed by the large predators. There was a brief talking-to, but not unfriendly. It seemed the heroes of the day would be off the hook despite the fighting, which Mel was grateful for. Just as the officer tipped his hat and walked off, she noticed a third, smaller animal with them. Curved horns, fluffy white and gray fur. The goat had his hand placed tenderly on the maned wolf's forearm. [Color=pink][i]Perci!?[/i][/color] Melanie squinted and adjusted her glasses, just to be sure. [Color=pink][i]The way he's looking at that wolf... are they... together?[/i][/color] Mel wondered. Perci looked at him dreamily, longingly, like in the photo from earlier. She looked away, embarrassed. Under her fur was the red tinge of a blush. [Color=pink][i]Well, don't want to interrupt...[/i][/color] Melanie thought as she started toward the door. [Color=pink]"Oh!"[/color] Mel turned around abruptly and shuffled back to her cafeteria seat, glancing frantically around. [Color=pink]"Ah! There you are,"[/color] she said, relieved, as she picked up her backpack from the floor. A piece of paper fell off the bottom and drifted to the floor. [Color=pink][i]What is this?[/i][/color] Melanie wondered. She reached under the table and picked up some kind of brochure which had gotten stepped on a few times. She brushed it off, revealing attractive humans on the front. The females were wearing beautiful red dresses, and the males wore fancy black suits and red ties. It read 'Join the Pure'. She raised one brow curiously, opened it, and skimmed it through. But the more she read it, the more she frowned and the more her heart sunk. It was for a secret human supremacist club. Melanie shoved the brochure in her backpack and her stomach churned as she debated in her mind what to do with it. She stared at the dirty piece of paper for a minute, then took a deep breath, gulped, and zipped it up. [hr] [I]Administrative Building, 12:25PM.[/i] It took just a few minutes to get to the Administratove Building, going at a brisk walk. Mel slipped and stumbled a bit along the way, but her heart was racing with worry. She didn't want to be a tattletale, but this was big. A supremacist club could be potentially dangerous, and she wanted to nip it in the bud. The skunk-girl nervously walked up to the main desk and rang the bell on the desk. [B]"Just a moment please!"[/b] a woman called from deeper within the office. She seemed to be busy on the phone. Idly she combed her fur with her claws, adjusted her flower clip, and looked around the room at the abstract art on the walls. There were muffled voices a ways down one hall. A door open and closed. She heard the woman hang up the phone and start walking in her direction. Melanie unzipped her backpack and dug around for the brocure to get ready. [B]"How may I help you?"[/b] the woman asked as she walked in. [Color=pink]"I found something, um..."[/color] Melanie began, but stopped when she felt a large paw on her shoulder. [Color=red]"My friend's lost mitten!"[/color] somebody interrupted. She had the brocure in one paw, still in the backpack, when she looked up to see a [url=https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=AbEQNGmM&id=21BCD921F49577D58AE69F1CAD932468B7F401A1&thid=OIP.AbEQNGmMej7aFgHu8SHIoQAAAA&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.anime-planet.com%2Fimages%2Fcharacters%2Flancaster-receptionist-197684.jpg&exph=491&expw=350&q=anime+receptionist&simid=608044778565534153&ck=195883E667DA73046F37F04DC1B7103D&selectedindex=14&form=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0&vt=4&sim=11]human receptionist[/url] raising her brow. She followed the sandy, furry arm up to see glistening white fangs, piercing blue eyes, and a curly brown mane. Her fur went on end and her tail raised up instinctively, but she forced a nervous smile onto her face. [Color=pink]"Oh! It's ah, you again... I,um, actually..."[/color] she started, but he motioned with a tilt of his head and his eyes down the hall. A human boy was glaring her way, with a phone to his ear. She looked up to the lion-boy, who smiled and gently nudged her toward the door. There was worry in his eyes. [Color=pink]"...Yeah. Yeah, that's exactly right,"[/color] Melanie played along. She let go of the brocure and dug around for the mitten, then handed it to the lion. [Color=pink]"Sorry to bother you, ma'am."[/color] The lady just rolled her eyes and started typing away at her computer. The lion put his arm around Mel's shoulder and started walking her back down the hall and toward the door. She chanced a look over her shoulder and at the human-boy now off his phone, appearing more relaxed but still wary. Her heart pounded. [Color=pink][i]"What's going[/i][i] on?[/i][/color] the girl demanded in a whisper. The boy smiled and chuckled. [Color=red][i]You're being watched. Just stay cool and follow me,"[/i][/color] he answered under his breath. Melanie gulped as they left the Administrative building. Several humans looked her way, then pretended to be busy with phones or reading despite the cold weather. Mel shivered, and the lion held her closer. For a moment, Mel leaned closer against his warm body, and it felt surprisingly safe. Could this lion be trusted? Were the humans really after her for wanting to expose them, or was she just paranoid? But he was leading her away from campus, and Mel was getting concerned. [Color=pink]"Where are you taking me?"[/color] Melanie asked, getting concerned. [Color=red]"To the Warren,"[/color] he said with a grin. [Color=red]"for a bite to eat."[/color]