Mr. Wonderfull lowered his arms after what can only be called an anemic display of fireworks. A short spray of white sparks, two tiny rockets that fizzled out before exploding, and when he lowered his arms a ton of [url=]snakes[/url] had fallen out of his sleeves and shattered into ashy bits on the floor. Clearly he had not been packed with the good stuff before he had been shipped out here. Nonetheless it had gotten the samurai's attention, the man backing against the wall. It wasn't an uncommon reaction to Mr. Wonderfull, he had seen many a person shrink away from him when he made himself known. Many more then moved on to the samurais next step, puffing out their chests and attempting to wrest some sort of control over their situation by threatening the strangest thing in the room. Though, unlike most of them, this one was armed. Mr. Wonderfull felt a twinge of what might be exactment as he was threatened. Normally his memory was constantly backed up to Master Control so that any attempt on his life was pointless. He would simply be reuploaded to a similar body should he be dismantled in some way. This was no longer the case, however. Death here would be quite permanent. A polite and conciliatory attitude was to be adopted in order to ensure his continued existence for the time being. Jerkily, like the hand of a clock, he brought his arm up to the rim of his hat, took it off, and bowed to the man. "I mu-mu-must have appeared so r-r-r-rude. My designation is Mr. Wonderfull, my l-l-l-lord. I am the gracious host of Wonderworld and facilitator of the games ther-r-r-in." It wasn't long after that that another of the wonderful guests of this place awoke and introduced herself. Pivoting its bow to her, "It is a p-p-p-pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mi-miss. Unfortunately, you ap-ap-appear to be caught up in some manner of-" Before it could explain its theory on what was happening the woman made her way to the door and declared it some kind of magical creature. As she did the woman that had been first examining the door simply wandered further down the hall. "All of our lives may very well be in d-d-d-danger." It said, its tone not dropping an octave below 'cheery.' He hadn't wanted to step outside because it very well may have been a death trap, but if someone else was going first that changed things. He stepped forward which a whirring of gyros, stiffly swinging its arms as it clomped across the floor. "It would be-behoove you to be cautious, miss." As it reached the edge of the door it looked out beyond and, being an expert on them in all shapes and sizes, [color=a187be][b]attempted to spot any lurking deathtraps. [/b][/color]