[quote=@MikkishtheLeprechaun] [@ZAVAZggg] On just the second day of their arrival from other worlds, the world was changing for the worst. Those who came from other universes had no memories of Moonlight Falls as a nice place, but it was a drastic change from only a day ago. First responder vehicles were zipping around the city and gunshots could be heard rather frequently. News stations and radio stations broadcasted breaking news of psychotic humans and militarized machines attacking innocent bystanders, and sometimes even each other. People shared personal video of portals opening though those weren't being shown on the news. Regardless, Moonlight Falls was becoming a war zone. [/quote] Teo had, following his failure to capture Jesse, wandered off into the metaphorical sunset never to be seen in Midnight Falls again. It wasn't known where he went exactly, though anyone who knew him[i]—truly knew him—[/i]also knew that he more than likely had some very important prior arrangement to attend to. As for the Valeyard, his plan of ascension continued, his consciousness slowly merging with that of his TARDIS to create an entirely new gestalt being. While not too disruptive to the outside world at large, those who found themselves travelling within close proximity of the stone sarcophagus would quickly become afflicted with what could only be described as an immense pressure that built up just behind the eyes, making it feel as though they'd burst even though they never did.