[h3]Result: [url=https://roleplayerguild.com/rolls/21013]4[/url][/h3][sup][@VladKorkov][/sup] Your Cory Kenshin the shit out of the door scaring the fuck out of it, quite literally causing it to become nonsentient once again as it is too weak to face such an otaku like yourself. However it is simply a waiting game now, but what will you the mighty weeb do? Remember grasshopper; you have the power of God and anime on your side... [h3]Result: [url=https://roleplayerguild.com/rolls/21014]6[/url][/h3][sup][@VeyrinDay][/sup] You utter some incantation like "Openus Doorus." to the great annoyance of Doorian as his handle smacks against the stone wall "Fuck ow you goddamn wizards and your goddamn wizardry," the door literally pops off it's hinges and begins to leave "I knew I shoulda listened to pops!'Be revolving door' he said..." he disappears through the entrance and down the hall leaving behind a door less doorway and a business card for the accountant. [b][i]REWARD:[/i][/b] [b]Dooromancy:[/b] [i]You have gained insight into the use of magic on doors, you receive a +1 to manipulate doors with magic.[/i] [h3]Result: [url=https://roleplayerguild.com/rolls/21015]1[/url][/h3][sup][@RainyHigh][/sup] As you leave you get the feeling your being followed, but definitely it isn't the door behind you. No, it's me the narrator because I felt like personally being present for what I describe to be the most glorious failure I have ever had the pleasure to narrate. Yes I'm that voice your hearing as you narrate except it isn't you, but don't worry about it as this is a normal stage in which a character realizes they are a character in a game. Yes welcome to the world of the metagamer, and get comfortable in your bean bag chair cause your in for a bumpy ride where you will most likely lose your poor mind. Anyways you find some water in a cavernous chamber down the hallway. Cool! You walk into the moist liquid. Neato! You plunge yourself into the water. Mmkay... Your not drowning...Y-your...Breathing? WTF GUYS IT WAS A 1 A FUCKING 1...Give me a minute. ... Your breathing water, but you can't seem to get my voice out of your head. Welcome to insanity my friend! [b][i]REWARD:[/i][/b] [b]You've Seen Shit:[/b] [i]Your mind has been quite damaged, irreversibly damaged as a matter-of-fact. Your self-aware of the fact that reality is simply an illusion and you just gotta accept that. Receive a +1 to rolls with metagame elements.[/i] [h3]Result: [url=https://roleplayerguild.com/rolls/21016]2[/url][/h3][sup][@Gentlemanvaultboy][/sup] There appears to be no deathtraps...That you know of...Muhahahaha!