Within the first couple of minutes after the school bell rang, Sora found himself surrounded by seven students. While his friends started to talk among each other, he put away his books in his backpack. He laughed at some of their jokes, stood up, put on his jacket and threw his backpack over his right shoulder. Together, they walked towards the lockers, where they switched their shoes before going towards the school's gate. He noticed that his friends were talking about some game called 'Nexus' and couldn't help but think about how nice it would be to play it with his older sister. He remembered how fun it was playing with her when they were children, but the sad look in his eyes gave away the fact that they weren't that close anymore. He could never understand how they were able to grew apart the way they did. [color=khaki]"Sora-kun, are you paying attention?"[/color] One of his friends asked, waving his hands before Sora's face. Sora took on of the hands as to make it stop waving in front of him and smiled softly. [color=CornflowerBlue]"I'm sorry, Haruto-kun. I was somewhere else for a minute. What were you saying?"[/color] Haruto started laughing at Sora, mumbling the word 'typical'. [color=khaki]"I was asking you if you tried out Nexus yet. If you did, we could have a battle sometime."[/color] He said, tickling the curiosity of Sora's other six friends. [color=CornflowerBlue]"Not yet. I am afraid. But I'll certainly take a look at it."[/color] Sora took his phone out of his backpack and was about to text Rui, his older sister, in order to ask her if she wanted to go with the guys to the new ice cream parlor around the corner, but he knew that she wasn't going to go with them and that's why he put away his phone without texting her or their parents. It's not like his mother or father cared where he went or what he did. All they cared about was Rui. [color=CornflowerBlue]"Yeah, yeah, I am coming!"[/color] He yelled, waving his hand in the air and running after his friends, after Asahi called out his name.