[@Dark Cloud] [i]Meanwhile, elsewhere...[/i] "Oh man. Aw jeez." Came the nervous voice of a teenage boy "RICK!" Morty yelled. Granted, this wasn't the only time the two got separated, but it was never fun regardless. "Well...the place looks normal enough. No aliens, or cannibal sofas, or giant toilets." Morty uttered to himself, though his voice was still quivering with anxiety. "Hey...kid." Came the voice of a homeless guy who...seemed a bit off. Even for a homeless guy. "Sorry I don't have any change." Morty said, attempting to then walk away. "I'm not asking for change! What even is that? Change of what?" The homeless guy asked, clearly irritated "I saw you come out of that portal, and from the looks of things a lot of people have been coming from portals. I thought maybe you could tell me what this place is and *sigh* how to get back to where I am from." "Where are we? Um, Earth?" Morty said, looking away "Look, I gotta go find my grandpa..." "Then your grandpa must have some answers." The homeless guy cut him off "I will go with you." "N-no thats ok. I'm kind of a...you know, like a...one man act." "Aren't we all? Look kid, I know you're in a bind, but I am in the same sort of situation. I hardly know anything about this place. This is bullshit. Why aren't the buildings destroyed? Where are all the raiders? Why is the water all...clean and not infested with diseases?" "Wait, so you came out of a portal too? And don't know where you are? Well...alright." Morty said reluctantly "Awesome. Sounds like a deal. I'm Jesse. Last of the Bastards." Jesse said, realizing this kid had no idea who the Bastards were. "I'm Morty. I probably have a house in this universe. Rick might be there..."