[quote=@Thelxinoe] "No, no, its not damaged, I'm just resetting the phase buffers. My shielding is off by a few terahertz and it sucks because one thing that can damage it will, and this transport ship isn't exactly the most maneuverable." The android stepped out and pulled the helmet off. "Of course I wasn't kidding when I said I'd use a neutron beam from orbit. I've got Another ship in orbit. No crew. I'm the only one who can control that ship right now. Every single aspect is linked here to me. Just come out here and get out of the mech. It's scary. Even for someone like me." [@Letter Bee] [/quote] Ascot opened the cockpit and climbed down, saying, "All right, you happy?" He knew that this Android wouldn't hurt him out of hand - Psychic Empathy was great for a lot of things. Nevertheless, as the boy approached the Android, he said, "So, you just went here out of curioisity or to find a refuge? As for me, I came here for a job - escorting some supplies to a colony which turned out to have vanished. But it appears you don't know anything about that, so it seems I am at a dead end." A pause, before he continued, "By the way, my name is Ascot Rider. I'm sixteen years old and already a Mech Pilot." [quote=@LustForDecay] [color=39b54a]"I can try to contact the skala through my drones. Maybe I can stall them or we can work out an agreement. What's your call?"[/color] [/quote] As for Michael, the young man had managed to sneak his mech behind a large outcropping, and was using his cameras to zoom in at the Skala - Whom he did not want to harm - and the band of criminals who were already conducting what seemed to be a salvaging operation. Should he try and contact them, or stay hidden for a while longer? Needless to say, he was on watch, trying to get a sense of what exactly the environment was. It seemed as if the criminals had a lot of potential cover due to the wrecked ships all around them, making just shooting at them dificult and increasing their chances of survival. Needless to say, Michael did not fancy fighting a battle of attrition, even if it was one he was confident of winning... [@Blizz]