[img]https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/e206d05e5389c082e0e74f3f39667c01655ebc5c/0_179_3648_2189/master/3648.jpg?width=445&quality=45&auto=format&fit=max&dpr=2&s=04889952a4e2f31d5831be209a3fa251[/img] Spotted dick is a traditional British baked pudding, historically made with suet and dried fruit and often served with custard. Non-traditional variants include recipes that replace suet with other fats, or that include eggs to make something similar to a sponge pudding or cake. (Wikipedia) This one in particular is very big and looks a little crumbly. Still, spotted dick is hard to beat and I would recommend you give it to your loved ones as I’m sure they’ll find it scrumptious. It’s simply a desert but a filling one sure to tingle your tastebuds and keep your mouth full.