"That's better." He paused, part of him didn't want to answer the question. Though it seemed necessary for continued diplomacy. "I didn't have much of a choice. I woke up with a warship tied to my brain like an extra limb, in a decaying orbit around a comet headed for it's own cosmic death. I spent a long time just repairing systems on my own so I could get out of there, but it took a long time and I ran out of resource, so I scanned any nearby planets for anything I could use. And came here. A military android stuck in a sector of space he has no knowledge of. And for that matter, the ships database was wiped before I woke up. Like it was abandoned for a reason that not even I should know, and I woke up inside there." The android paused again, breathed out to release tension, and spoke. "A-150 Shikishima, Primary Strategic officer, and only remaining crew member that I know about of the Heavy cruiser Lotaronin, which is up there, in orbit, and armed to the teeth just in case anything I don't like appears out of any FTL or sub-light travel. I'm 18 as far as I know, at least that's how long I've operated to my recent memory." [@Letter Bee]