[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/FBrdjSk/image.png[/img][h3]Malphas Misty Temple[/h3][@Rune_Alchemist][/center] "[color=lightblue]The Illuminator's protection? Ah, so the same being had visited you, as well?[/color]" Malphas asked Soyala curiously. In truth, this feels like a path Malphas has once again been forced to take by beings far above him. It was annoying, but at the same time understandable to a mam of faith such as himself. Of course, Malphas was used to being on the other side of things as far as he was concerned, but this was before he had known such wonders existed... And besides, he was not a true man of faith until moments before his demise. Instead of questioning Soyala further on her aims or why she's helping him, Malphas will take advantage of the assistance he was given instead. Evaluating her strengths as well as his own capabilities, it was clear as day just how these two would operate. It's because of this that instead of knocking a few arrows and firing at the animals nestled within the mists, Malphas instead procured the stone given to him by the hag from last night. Malphas kissed the stone before he knelt down in prayer, his eyes closed as he clutched the stone tightly and dearly. "[color=lightblue]O, Illuminator... If it is you who has put this path before me, then allow me to bear your light. I wish not to use the knowledge you bestow upon others for my own gain, but instead to [i]enlighten[/i] those wayward souls with your omniscient light. O, Illuminator, I ask of thee to grant me your light, and name your Torchbearer.[/color]" Without opening his eyes, Malphas pulled a single arrow from his quiver, raising it to the temple as offering. "[color=lightblue]Please accept this meager piece of tinder as an offering, as a vessel to receive your spark of knowledge! Allow me to bear the flames of knowledge, so that I may enlighten those within the confines of your sacred grounds, so that they may be liberated from the boundaries of the mind![/color]" And so, Malphas picked up his bow once more, knocking the very same arrow back as he aimed in an arc. He tapped into the spark within his soul once more, envisioning the same bright light that he had once before. Except instead of a blinding white light, it was a warm, orange one... In other words, Malphas sought to set his arrowhead ablaze. No matter how big or small the fire would end up being did not matter, for Malphas had faith. Faith that his shot would hit true, faith that his arrow will set afire brilliantly, and faith that the Illuminator has guided him to this very moment. "[color=lightblue]The others who have gotten here first... You mentioned a reject among them, yes? So they would not be missed? And as for this temple... You said it was simply a trap by the one who had built it? This would also mean that someone must be given the duty to trap those who would tread too far in?[/color]" Malphas asked these two questions to Soyala coldly, without turning away from the temple. He smirked slightly. "[color=lightblue]I do hope that flower I'm tasked to find grows just far enough from the temple, itself.[/color]" Malphas released the arrow, aiming for the temple itself. Whether the temple would be set ablaze, or their path would simply be illuminated meant little to Malphas, as he was filled with conviction. Conviction that he was not given this bow to draw blood from others, but instead to pave the path ahead with a single arrow. In his mind, he envisioned himself atop a white steed, bringing Conquest to this wayward land, just as the goddess who had spawned him wished... and riding off behind him, atop a red steed, was his trusted lieutenant, encased in armor and wielding a sword. Today is the day Malphas would see if he would learn the identity of the one who would ride alongside him. "[color=lightblue]The way has been illuminated. Cut down those blasted animals and whoever else stands in our path... but allow them the chance to submit while they can. Do this, in [i]my[/i] name.[/color]" Malphas ordered Soyala, his voice filled with confidence in her ability. He clutched the stone tightly, slinging his bow on his shoulder and procuring his dagger as he marched forward. Whatever treacherous beings that laid in the fog, Malphas was not afraid, for he had a purpose. This was where he was supposed to be, after all... This path was made for him. And there was only one thing in his mind that he was concerned about. [i][color=lightblue]Now where could I find that blasted flower?[/color][/i]