[h2]Tyaethe Radistirin - Candaeln[/h2] The vampire definitely seemed annoyed at someone writing directly [i]over[/i] her, as if it wasn't already obvious enough how tiny she was next to the rest of the knights. Even if she were to appear older... well, she was still looking up towards the Captain and wasn't that annoying? Sometimes she wondered if there should be a maximum height imposed... "You're broadly right; the housewife tales [i]have[/i] a basis but it's just some vampire-by-vampire story getting blown out of proportion. Someone had an allergy, someone else only preyed on their friends, only an idiot would try to swim across a raging river, regeneration or no. Things like that," Tyaethe said, returning to lecture mode and raising the hand with the pointer authoritatively. "In general, these could be considered universal anti-regeneration and anti-healing tactics. Any injury inflicted by fire is more difficult to heal, especially if the body part is burned to ash, whilst encasing in ice likewise blocks regeneration. The easiest healing is to simply reattach the offending body part; another reason many vampires focus on blood magic. Injuries to the heart should stop almost all enemies, and if you can keep someone's head away from their body then they die soon enough." Jumping a little to reach, she scratched some amendments, specifically where holy items were concerned. "[i]Any[/i] blessed weapon will be effective against the undead and stymie regeneration, it needn't be a flaming one. My sword would be an example, holy water can be considered a very low-intensity version of the same." "Magic..." to this, she shrugged, "It's not worth considering; you should know whether or not you even have the ability to attempt it, and I'm guessing you don't. If you find yourself vampire hunting, then it's worth seeking out a competent mage." She paced back and forth for a few seconds before looking at the small audience, "What I [i]want[/i] you to take away from this is that rushing into combat with the various magical monsters of the world without thinking [i]is incredibly risky[/i]. A powerful black wizard might not have any of the regeneration but they could make it impossible to even get close. Intelligent undead of any stripe will outlast you even if they [i]don't[/i] have experience or vast magic. An elven Royal Guard has probably spent [i]centuries[/i] training and on the post, even if most of their soldiers are drawn from the citizenry training in their spare time. Dragons..." Tyaethe trailed off before grinning with a shrug, "Ah, don't worry about dragons. I like dragons." [@ghastlyInc][@Crimson Paladin][@PaulHaynek]