[b]Aseir broke the vines with his God's strength, "No man or woman can bound me ever again!" He cried out in anger! As he broke free and was about to pay the Dwarf back, he suddenly stopped, frozen in his tracks as he witnessed the evil of this young wizard. Aseir shook his head from side to side,"Trouble indeed." he muttered under his breath. The rogue stepped back a few feet from Saris, his hand resting on the hilt of his throwing dagger. "See, what Aseir tell you all, this one be trouble, evil trouble." ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Jun Lao moved with ease,graceful but firm, and struck the vines to break free Saris, "Can't you see, he needs our help? Don't just stands there." He placed his hand on Saris shoulder, "We are here friend, we will help you." Jun can't forget what he witnessed just moments ago, but there was something about this man, something good trapped inside of darkness. He's seen it before , in of his fellow students, who fled the monastery and took up the dark arts of a, Shinobi ninja. [/b]