[quote=@MikkishtheLeprechaun] [@ZAVAZggg] Jesse was truly stumped. He couldn’t think of what action to best take next as he was an absolute deadeye who had just had all his shots dodged. This time gave Morty a moment to speak. “Woah.” He said to the super fast dodging “Uh, anyway, I haven’t really seen anything out of the ordinary. I mean, besides man eating sofas. So are you, like, a friend of Rick’s?” He asked, as Jesse mumbled to himself that he will just have to ask this kid’s grandad. [/quote] "Not exactly," he said, shrugging slightly. "No matter the version, he's still somehow an asshole every time, albeit a useful one." Zyx paused, kicking a few of the bullets gathered at his feet. "In any case, I thank you for the response, even if it doesn't give me any lead to work with." He began to stride past the two and down the street. "If you hear anything though, do let me know. I'll be staying here for a while yet, mostly at the Little Hat Cafe back in the commercial district. If you need to find me for whatever reason, I'll be there." And with that he walked away.