11 intelligence you say? if it weren't for Dreeda the kitty would be the brain of the operation. If you want a stray cat or dog that your character has had for a while we can do that IC, and I'll make you roll for how decent it'd be, since Swampmuck is basically the butt of the joke for the region (until you folks upset the natural order of things). Or you can travel to other areas IC during the roleplay to get more interesting creatures. You could even make a trade of it if you wanted to. If you're looking for a selection of Swampmuck appropriate pets, I can drop you a PM and one of the market stalls can be selling animals, we'll do a mini rp and I'd ask you to include it at the start of your first post (as a think that happens that morning at the start). Heads up I'm looking to see if [@Shovel] still has an interest in the rp, after the last character is in we can get the IC launched.