[h3]Cole Cerus[/h3] "Yes, go down, you filthy demons go down," Cole said under his breath with vigor as most of the beasts died. Though more thanks to Adrianne's powers and a well-placed grenade. That and Stukov's blessed shotgun rounds did a number on the one he was facing. Still, their combined firepower did wreck their ranks. Now a Chaos Spawn is left, and now it tires of simply watching the battle in the rear. Cole aimed and let out a volley of lasers, and it did not seem to faze the thing. Like the rest of the team's firepower only seem to annoy rather than hurt the Chaos Spawn. Then came the quills that the beast launched at them. Cole was able to take cover behind a pillar to dodge most of the quills. But, just before he was safe, two quills managed to badly graze his right leg. Cole gritted his teeth in response to the pain. Briefly looking down to inspect the damage and it was not something a doctor could not fix. Quickly, looking back to the fight and saw that Stukov was rushing forward with only a chainsword at the Chaos Spawn. No, no one is dying today, you crazy. Cole thought as he tried to think of how to bring that thing down. Since lasers or bolters seemed to have no effect on it, he did not have anything on him that could damage the thing but, then he remembered his krak grenades. Looking down at them and then back at the Chaos Spawn. Surely something meant for a tank can hurt that thing. As he was about to pick one up from his belt, he saw Medaira holding one. Then he started to think quickly. He does not want to hit Stukov by accident, and maybe since she is obsessed with explosives. She might have a better skill with that grenade and land it on the Chaos Spawn. Even if she is rather eccentric and he questions her sometimes. So Cole decided to put faith in Medaira's hands. As the sudden sonic blast went off, Cole could hear music being played. He watched to see what would happen with his hand on a krak grenade. Just in case the first krak grenade does not work.