Not sure if this counts as a valid contribution to the thread, but I generally tend to write mixed characters or characters whose race is ambiguous, most likely because I myself am a mix of many different races. Those being Caucasian, African American, Hawaiian, Japanese, Chinese, and Native American according to my birth certificate. Possibly a tiny bit of Irish, Welsh, and German if my grandmother and her parents, my great grandparents, are correct. Granted, that mostly just influences the appearance of the character rather than the character themselves, least in my case anyway. I don't think I bring any unique cultural things to most characters though, unless it's fashion or weaponry, though these are generally Asian in flavor mainly because some of my characters tend to draw a lot from anime. Apologies if this is a crude way of describing it by the way, cultural influences and traditions aren't usually my first thought when I create a fictional being and I'm not exactly used to speaking on the subject. Anyway, that's just my personal experience making characters, at least before I started writing god characters, in which case they can be whatever they please and generally act in amoral ways. Because power's power. Kinda hard to tell a godlike being who can erase you from existence how they should be using their abilities after all. I will say, however, that playing godlikes has gotten me far more comfortable using they/them and it rather than the standard he/she. Anywhoo, that was more of a ramble on my part, but it's what I got.