Well, here's the good news on posts: I really like everyone's varied characters and personality types show so far - shoutouts to the Warframe reference from Tungsten, and love the Mae's Comedy Wait Staff; Gamma and Levia feel like they would be sisters, and Cormac feels like he is the grumpy old man everyone loves to mess with, and totally not Andre of Astora. Definitely going to make for an interesting cast, especially when it comes to outside interactions. Now, the bad news: Pretty much the entire night staff at my job was put on 10-day exclusion, because one of our managers is your classic, dumb teenager who would rather party every night than do her job, and got Corona, which put everyone she interacted with on cautionary exclusion. As such, my job closes every night at 8 PM, right now, and I'm probably going into work, at least, every shift at 7 AM. My brain is shorted out, right now, from a 10-1/2 hour work shift with little food, no rest, and a lot of organic fruit juice. I will try and maintain the weekly deadline, however, and I am working on a post, but, in the meantime, everyone is free to post as you like until you reach The Office of External Affairs. Sorry this is so sudden. [@The Irish Tree] [@Guess Who] [@Lugubrious] [@Stern Algorithm] [@Lucius Cypher]