I have no experience. Generally write as some sort of non-human or human adjacent fantasy race. Mostly Halflings. Usually sexuality doesn't come up. I want to have an African American character in a story in writing soon and I wanted to have a Bisexual Female Halfling in this story I was going to do with TyrannosaurusRex here. I bring this up because I did run into and likely will continue to run into a bit of a conundrum. As RainyHigh mentioned the "hiding/closeting" idea in regard to Trans I wanted to make these characters but without either making them both Straight White Male characters who tangentially were occasionally pointed out to be not straight white male characters, or going the other direction and making them exaggerations or tropes or what have you. Particularly difficult in regard to the African American character as the story I want to write him in is set in 1968. Lots of tokenism or white savior or other such tropey traps to avoid. Particularly since my main character in this is literally Captain America. My thinking is to try to avoid tropey things, in both cases, while also trying to avoid the Trope Inversion trope. Essentially just trying to make a character whose life and views are shaped by these things without making the character's character purely these things. Wish me luck. I'll probably consult this thread for both.