[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=09849f]Kwassi Asokho[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/730211580951920750/YsQSj9E_d.webp[/img] [hr][hr] [color=09849f]Location:[/color] Boardwalk [color=09849f]Skills: Photographic Memory : 16[/color] [hr][/center][/b] Kwassi nodded as Agent Reed had instructed him on what to do. Waiting for his turn until Agent Bautista had asked for a personal affect of his. He handed her his mask, something he'd been carrying for years now, hoping that his attachment to it and his history with it would allow for her to see his connection and that he wasn't a skrull. Sadly it appeared that she was neither able to clear his name nor name him an enemy, which...was good? It was hard to tell in this situation. Kwassi gave a slightly defeated sigh until she had told him to speak to Raynor and that he would be able to further clear him if needed. Unfortunately upon stepping up, Raynor seemed to have a problem with him already. Sizing him up and talking about being his replacement. It appeared that everyone he was running into today was going to be an ornery dick. Well mostly everyone, Amelia was still as pleasant as she had been the last time they met. Offering her a warm smile as he relaxed slightly to see her face. He couldn't quite place it, but there was something about her presence that made him feel more at ease. [color=09849f]"Its wonderful to see you again Amelia. I'm glad that the landing wasn't a short one, your smile and personality were sorely missed since you left."[/color] [color=09849f]"Now then I suppose we should get this on our way so that Thor Jr. can clear me and we can move on with our mission against this invasion.'[/color] There was a short cough as he cleared his throat, standing at attention by some subconscious measure. [color=09849f]"My name is Kwassi Asokho. I am twenty six years old and was born in Wakanda. I am in the Sci-Tech division and am not a Skrull."[/color] Hopefully that was enough to get him the clear as he turned to face Agent Bautista. [color=09849f]"His wife isn't here. He decided to join us after he crash landed a Skrull ship while we were attacked by a bunch of fake avengers. They took a few more as prisoners and we narrowly got away sadly. Ever since then he has been nothing but a pain in the ass because he thinks he's above suspicion just because he the President and isn't used to have a gun at his head when it isn't for political intrigue."[/color]