[color=f7976a][b][h3] Galdin Frayheart [/h3][/b][/color] [color=fff200][i]Mentions: Xing @PandaBrady[/i][/color] [color=f7976a][b]"Pleased to meet you, young miss Xing. Do forgive me for not realizing you came from a line of combatants. I would have thought I had plenty of experience in being able to tell who are capable fighters and who are not."[/b][/color] He said in a sort of self-reflective manner, as if he spoke to himself rather than Xing. [color=f7976a][b]"I suppose I do have plenty more things to learn about this world of ours. Despite my many years. 20 to be in fact."[/b][/color] He added and looked Xing over yet another time, scanning her body over this time and disregarding the outfit that was certainly foreign to him. He hadn't been able to see her capabilities as an unarmed combatant before, was it because of the cake having distracted him? The area being new? The sounds of people all around? He discreetly enhanced his vision to focus in on her. [color=f7976a][i]'My first impression was wrong? This just won't do. She clearly knows how to defend herself, you don't get a shape like that from nowhere. With enough physical exercise you can achieve great heights, even higher if you got a strong will. Perhaps I should test her martial prowess later...'[/i][/color] The noble pondered on the young martial artist before him, having realized that she was most certainly what she claimed to be. Yet despite that, it was her personality and reactions that was the hardest thing to deal with. He tried to hide his smile for as long as he could, but ultimately had to put one of his hands in front of his own mouth discreetly to halt his snicker as he thought of the the young woman's defense from his accusation that she were a kid. [color=f7976a][b]"My appologies, I just thought you seemed very youthful that's all, not that you were lacking in anything. Ahh but marriage and a fiancée?"[/b][/color] He repeated the words, making sure that he indeed heard the words correctly. Despite his ability to adjust the levels of his hearing, he couldn't be a hundred percent certain, with all the chatter around the pair. Also it appeared to him that Xing was embarassed about something, as she had blushed and crossed her arms. Clearly there was something which was making her abit uneasy. After a brief moment of consideration he addressed the issue directly. After all, a full frontal attack was often the best option to deal with many issues. Right? [color=f7976a][b]"Do not appologize, it's allright to be abit immature if you are youthful and enamored. And I remind you of your fiancée? Physically? Is that why your face grew abit red just now?"[/b][/color] The young noble asked as if it had been just about any other question that one would ask, there was no use walking around the subject. It would likely also save them both valuable time to not complicate matters further. He swung his hair briefly in the wind, and twirled a lock of his hair. [color=f7976a][b]"Not in the weird way huh? What weird way? Do you mean to say that you have fallen for me, little lady?"[/b][/color] He tapped his own chin in a ponderous manner as he said the line aloud, a slight smile forming on his lips which showed clear amusement. [color=f7976a][b]"A similar air..."[/b][/color] Galdin soon after said, wondering what that could imply to. Was it the way he carried himself? His way of attire? His mannerism? His face? Had he some lost relative around resembling him? [color=f7976a][b]"Come then. Introduce me to this fiancée of yours, provided he isn't out-of-town so to speak? In which case, I shall keep you company for a walk if you so wish. You are an adult righ? So I am certain you can make up your mind about such things. Unless my resemblence to your fiancée is too much for you?"[/b][/color] The young noble rose up from his seating and offered out his right arm to Xing, in case she wanted to hold unto it. Wasn't that how nobles took walks anyways? It certainly looked far more refined than simply walking side by side. It was also unbecoming of him to leave a conversation partner without offering them a chance to join him.