[center][h3]Kyoto[/h3] [b]Friday, June 3rd 20XX[/b][/center] [hr] [h3]Otis[/h3] [@ERode] [hider] [color=fff79a]"Ah, yes I do in fact",[/color] it was an almost surreal image seeing a man steeped in such traditional attire produce a phone from his garb, before exchanging the QR friend code function with Otis, and then saying thanks to one another. His servants seemed used to it though... Not his first time or was he just always a little strange? Regardless, he bowed himself out, and waved goodbye to Otis as he was left with a servant or two to help him find what he needed. Unlike some other archives, this one seemed to be mainly for the household and it's students, students all the same. Based on a conversation before between Ultana and Utsumi, there was certainly a much larger library as well, but everything within this little store room was intended specifically for techniques. As for things related to the spirit world he was thinking of, there were certainly some talismans within that created the effect he had witnessed before. It had various names, but from what was understood it was a boundary or field that moved things into the spiritual realm... It wasn't clear... But somehow the terminology seemed familiar, perhaps it was related to another school of magic? Regardless, from within he also found the Tsuchimikado family's onmyoudo, which seemed rather potent. He can make use of it should he please. When his business was concluded, he could go wherever he pleased within the city, within reason. It appeared likely that the other classmates would be scattered to their own business, so it all came to a matter of who he was looking for, or where there might be some classmates present. As he was leaving he got a notification on LINE. It was a picture of Motsumine and his white fluffy cat. [color=fff79a][i]"Allow me to introduce you to Kaki-chan"[/i][/color] [/hider] [h3]Lorelai[/h3] [@Lonewolf685] [hider] [color=f26522]"Hm? No it seemed funny at the time, still is"[/color], she replied, while taking a bite from one of the dango sticks, the dexterity of her hands as she twirled them between her fingers. She didn't seem at all inclined to move from her position, but her nonchalant reason for stealing a passersby's food was infuriatingly trivial. [color=f26522]"So yer not one of them Fujiwaras or whatever other families hang 'round here? Great, means I can stay a bit longer, love this city yanno?"[/color], by now she had finished eating all of them. [color=f26522]"With so many yokai runnin' round this place I figured it'd be a good time to take a peek as those paper-pushers would be busy with the others, no time for a tengu they could spend days chasin' to no avail, plus King Sojobo asked me ta have a look-see at what all the fuss was about"[/color], she bent down to sit on one leg, the other pulled over her knee as she rested her head on her arm. [color=f26522]"Anyway, real rare seein' a human who wasn't out here to erase me at the slightest slight, maybe we'll get ta know each other or somethin'. Hey what do girls talk about these days, I'm one too yanno, you got a guy you like? We'll gossip about that"[/color], she had a playful almost cheeky smile, but despite her abrasive and thieving habits she didn't seem intent to harm anyone... [color=f26522]"Ah right 'fore that, name's Sakichi, you can just call me Saki or somethin' though I don't mind"[/color]. [/hider]