[color=fff79a]Y'Vanna had just gestured for the stranger to take a seat at the table, and now her mouth was as outstretched as her arm gesturing to an empty chair. She was completely caught off guard by the interruption, her eyes wide and frozen in shock. She would have spoke right away but it all had happened so fast. A series of sporadic actions and some of the smoothest talking that she ever bore a witness to in her life. She locked eyes with the woman, breaking her gaze but a moment to look at the stranger, and then right back to Solange. [i]She was absolutely stunning[/i], she thought to herself. Words and skin as smooth as cloves and vanilla, and just as enticing too... [color=f7941d] "Um.. errr."[/color] Y'Vanna fumbled. [color=f7941d]"I have a proposition for Varg- [i]Lord[/i] Vargas, and it's a lucrative one at that."[/color] she said, finally managing to come out of it a bit. She pulled the horn to her lips awkwardly and found it's bottom straight away, wiping the froth from her lips. The grog always reddened them a bit along with her cheeks, it wasn't a bad look with her complexion in the candlelight either. Y'Vanna could hear Vargas giving poor Percival a terrible time of things just outside the room, and she knew that she was in some way partial to some of the blame here. Sure, she had a bit of business with him, but Percy's favor towards Y'Vanna was perhaps more the cause here. She felt bad about it, but it was a fleeting emotion amidst the new commotion. She had never heard of Vargas ever having a "business partner" of any sort, as greedy as that bastard was she could hardly fathom it. She cocked her head in a peculiar way inquisitively as the notion hit her entirely. She was so adamant about it all though, thoroughly convincing. Lord Vargas was already going to be a bundle of unbridled joy as it is, best she not insult him further by giving his partner the stiff, she thought. She poured herself another horn and motioned for the man to take a seat. [color=f7941d]"Best we get to it then... there's much to discuss and we be a bit short of time, as it were. There's been a tomb discovered on the island of Gnok some eighty kilometers west of here. The tomb is said to be over a thousand years old too, untouched when they found it and teeming with loot to be plundered."[/color] she said looking to the both of them as she spoke. [color=f7941d]"We'll need a full crew for this one as well. We'll need a bit of funding, and a ship too. Not quite sure how it's all going to come together, but with a bit of luck and some favor from the gods and we'll see it through..."[/color] Y'Vanna took another sip from her horn, just hearing herself say it she could immediately hear how ridiculous this all sounded. Even she didn't believe herself, and she sure was surely asking for a lot. Perhaps this was all just a pipe dream, way out of reach for the likes of her, [i]and rightly so too.[/i] This was either going to get them all killed, or make them all very, very rich...[/color]