[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/CX4oW91.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tEh8ysT.png[/img] [color=gray] Travelling alone without Zach had been hard for Alex at first as she had been by herself, without him the anxiety sometimes stopped her fro traveling at all but the therapy with the good doctor was working and there were results. Though that's where she was going today, to see the people she didn't really talk to. She wasn't a talker much anymore, she was for the doc but for the others they were just there the group therapy sessions were voluntary but she wasn't one to talk too much - flap her gums, all that jazz. The young blonde exhaled softly as she stepped off the metro, not dead - yet. She made her way towards the office, well rather the momunment that the group was forming up outside of the office this fine winter evening. The young blonde was bundled up to prevent any attacks from the cold or the winter's breath, for now she dragged her legs like a corpse - a zombie, making her way up to the steps creeping behind the group, remaining silent as a few patients - yes PATIENTS the insane ones like herself.. Spoke, made small talk as they did, she remained silent. Observing, watching like a creature from the dark. She blinked sighing mentally. Her eyes gazed up upon the dark sky, she lacked the street sense to feel the off-coming blues that was about to impose despair upon the downtrodden members of the therapy group. She looked up into the gaping glowing stars wondering if there was more to this if she had finally out run those P.I.s that were after her long ago. She exhaled, hot air bellowing from those perfect nostrils of hers as her hot air lit up the front of her face before vanishing before her. It would be just another session, nothing could go wrong - at least that's what she told herself.. [/color][/center]