[quote=@psych0pomp] Howdy folks. *insert awkward finger guns here* Anyway, that display of maturity and mastery of the English language aside, I'm here to party. And by party, I mean I'm here to make words on the internet into comprehensible sentences birthed from imagination and lack of sleep. I've RP'd since I was a wee thing and the internet was new. It was weird, it was stilted, but I tried my best. Now let's cringe at the memories of our youth. I took a break to deal with life-stuff, i.e. the nature of my job in the midst of a global pandemic, but I'm back with a vengeance. Kidding. I'm just bored, and I want to express my creativity. Anything to keep me off the mean streets at night. I don't believe I've ever RP'd on this site before, but I played on a few sites many years back so I'm not entirely sure. I have the memory of a geriatric goldfish. I suppose I'm here to participate in group RPs, and I like to think I'm an advanced writer. Or, if I'm not, I like to massage my ego and tell it I am. I'm also an Olympic-level swimmer. Shh. Don't tell me otherwise. My hobbies include maritime pirate activities, food hostage negotiations, becoming one with the internet, and low-level businessing. Seriously, it's your regular nerd fare. Gaming, writing, running DnD (and various other TTRPGs), streaming, trying to understand why people like Sudoku, art, and bird wrangling. Anyway, I'm happy to be here and be [i]squere[/i]? I don't know. [/quote] Your as immature as I am and like Dungeons & Dragons and other TTRPGs, your already cool in my books if I had a book and could write...Wait I'm writing...Woah :0 Anyways praise Pelor and all that, welcome to the Guild. Hope you start a D&D campaign *not so subtle cough* Do it *not so subtle cough* lol jk EDIT: Sorry.