Kaze was slightly amused by the insanity of Da-Xia, and the ghost girl was joking about her reception, but he could only concentrate on so many things at once. [color=lightblue][i]I need more limbs...[/i][/color] He thought as he spun on his foot and turned a bug into a spattering of bloody chunks with a roundhouse kick. He had barely noticed the bugs were...lagging for lack of a better word because of the ghost messing with their movements. Nor was he paying attention to the cheers of the ghost. Squish bugs now, pay attention later. The amount of these things were annoying him, and now it was starting to...get dark? What? Growling his shoulders darkened before another set of limbs erupted from his upper back, a pair of massive wings with thick limbs. At this point Beniha ordered him to follow the bugs that [i]weren't[/i] gunning for them. She only got a grunt in response before the wings slammed into the ground and launched him forward with such force he smashed through another oncoming insect demon. He was going to need a shower. He was clearly the slowest of the three Hunters even with the wings, their bulk showing he'd need some serious height to actually fly. Well he [b]could[/b] move faster but that would require some destruction that would draw a lot of attention from helicopters, satellites, and such. Nevermind the fact the insectoid youkai kept swarming towards him. He didn't have an automatic defense like Beniha, he had to slow down and blast them with a punch, kick, or swipe from the wings. He wasn't ready to start breaking out his more deadly weapon.