[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200801/1feff4d45c38eae1315e288c427dc5a6.png[/img][/center] Finally they had someone who actually knew what was going on. Eclipse did feel bad for the RainWings, having their lives threatened was nothing to ignore, and he couldn't even find it in himself to fault them for not trying to fight back. While they might not be as lazy as was written in the scrolls they were still pacifists as far as he could tell. He could tell Skua was getting irritated at everything that was going on, but hopefully they'd be on their way soon. He was surprised to say the least when Ardent changed her tune and completely stopped talking about what was important. Instead telling Viper to go get a drawing and even as he went to protest Ardent gave him a keen look. She was much more intelligent than anyone else seemed to give her credit for. He moved up to stand next to Skua and Dreamseeker as the scroll was unfurled and felt his brow furrow in confusion. This couldn't be right. What reason would the SeaWings have to start this or threaten the RainWings? The drawing was unmistakable though and the rest of his troupe also realized quickly. [b]"You think so? They're a real nuisance but tougher to get rid of than one would expect."[/b] Ardent's voice kept that bored tone as she spoke to Dreamseeker and Viper moved back to the small table beside her. Her pale blue scales were swirling with a pale green. He had no idea what that meant but judging by the way her eyes were darting around the room she must be nervous about whoever these SeaWings were. Ardent's scales hadn't shifted at all, Rainwings were so confusing. Eclipse nodded in agreement with Dreamseeker. [color=ed1c24][b]"If you could give us an idea of where they might be I think we have a pretty good chance."[/b][/color] He didn't want to risk the lives of the RainWings, but they needed more information and what better place to get it than from the ones responsible. The jewelry jingled as Ardent shifted on the throne, [b]"Usually they stick to the outskirts, I believe, or any place with quite a bit of water."[/b] He nodded and filed away that information, [color=ed1c24][b]"I think we need to have a conversation about all of this,"[/b][/color] he looked to the rest of the group, [color=ed1c24][b]"There's a lot that we have to consider."[/b][/color] [b]"Whenever you make your decision let me know. Viper can inform me if you don't wish to come back and wait in line."[/b] She gestured towards the door with one paw, [b]"Best of luck to you."[/b]