If Pandora had known it was going to be a forty-five minute hike through the forest, she would have been a lot less enthusiastic about getting started right away. By the time they made it to the ruined shack she was tired, thirsty, and far too focused on the looming dark and buzzing mosquitoes to even attempt any psychic investigation. At most she felt a vague pressure in the air as she opened her backpack to grab her water bottle. Just as she got her first sip, all hell broke loose. The bottle fell to the ground as Denise walked into the middle of the circle, the looming evil suddenly becoming tangible, a choking presence that made it difficult for her to think, much the less speak. And then, suddenly, it disappeared. Rather, it disappeared from the air and manifested itself in their teammate. Pandora could only stare in shock when Denise spoke to her, every hair on her body standing on end. What language was she speaking? Better question, who was speaking? Lost for any practical way to help, Pandora found herself rooted in place by fear as Denise tore off into the woods, followed by Philip and then TJ, but it was Daniel's question that finally snapped Pandora back into the present. "I-I don't know," She had to admit, picking up her water bottle with shaking hands. "I've never- I didn't- I don't..." her explanations all failed and she forced herself to take a deep breath and a drink of water, trying to find her center again. "I didn't go to school for this, okay? I'm going off of instinct here," She explained, leaving out the part where her instincts were telling her to take TJ up on the offer he made to Daniel and just fucking leave while she still could. "The best thing I can do is figure out where it went so I know if it's coming back. I just need some peace and quiet," She explained, mostly to herself, as she ran her hands through her hair and tried to slow her breathing, let her mind expand, and focus on the signals the spirit world was sending. They were hard to decipher with such a font of evil nearby, but as her heart rate slowed some details began to emerge. She couldn't sensate whatever had possessed Denise, but she could feel a trail it had left and started mentally examining it for clues, searching for any hints of identity whilst also being watchful of another ambush.