[hr][hr][center][h1][/h1][img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504122082729132034/756988552734310500/Waverley_Moodboard_Extra_Smoll.jpg[/img][hr] [color=Purple][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Mutant Underground [color=Purple][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [/center][hr][hr] Waverley's small, skeptic frown shifted into a soft smile as Echo placed a gentle hand upon her bony shoulder and offered his words of reassurance. She gave a small nod, muttering a quiet, [color=purple]"Thank you,"[/color] before watching the young man slip away after Max. She turned her attention back toward Sunshine, Zarina, and now Callie just as the youngest among them spat with hostility in her voice at the oldest. Waverley furrowed her brow in concern, watching Zarina storm away, feeling a little sorry for the girl. She shifted her eyes to look at Callie, chewing down on her bottom lip a little in thought. [color=purple]"Actually...maybe Sunshine could find it. It sounds kinda farfetched, but it might work. A bomb that releases disease-causing smoke...I mean, disease-causing smoke is kinda Sunshine's whole deal. It's worth a shot, if she's up for it,"[/color] Waverley suggested giving a little shrug to Sunshine, as if to offer the idea to her to do with it what she will. She then looked back to Callie with a small smile. [color=purple]"I, for one, do not mind being the Underground's glorified phone. Kinda why I joined, actually. I'll see if I can connect to the Professor's phone,"[/color] she volunteered cheerily, before quickly letting her eyes fall shut. She allowed her mind to stretch out of her skull, g along the waves that she'd come to recognize as a sort of second language. She did her best to bring to mind the path the waves had taken when they first tried calling him, but having not committed them to memory, she got lost rather quickly. She returned to her starting point and tried a few more times, but it was only a matter of seconds before she lost any traces of it again. She let out a deep sigh, keeping her eyes closed even as she reached out tried to tap Callie, only to find she wasn't where she'd previously been standing. [color=purple]"Uh, Callie? You still there? If you are, can you call him again? Having some waves to ride'll be easier than just winging it."[/color]