[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210224/08f79b811bb80e10415d5abb894ff421.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Mentions: [@savannahssu][/b][/center] Stormheart sighed slightly, why couldn't Maplestream just stay in camp rather than wandering to the unknown reaches of their territory and ending up with these strange cats. He followed Sunfur's lead, for a short time, but in other directions. He stuck within shouting range, but wandered a bit away with jaws parted to see if he could follow the scents of either the strange cats or Maplestream. It was difficult to follow anything at all with the spray of water coming from the rapids and diluting the scents. He looped back around and joined back with Sunfur, frowning at the conundrum they'd found themselves in. The ginger tom was right, Fernstar had told them to keep looking until their paws were about to fall off and he didn't want to disobey that, but he couldn't go any further with the knowledge that the whole camp might be in danger. [color=0072bc][b]"Maplestream's scent is with these cats. Maybe they caught her off guard and dragged her back to camp as a way of getting something from Fernstar?"[/b][/color] He stared down at his paws, warring with his sense of duty to Fernstar or to the clan. Would she be mad at them for going back to camp if they thought it was in danger? For potentially leaving Maplestream injured or worse somewhere in the territory? He had no idea and he hated not knowing, it made him anxious and that was the last thing they needed out here. He hadn't noticed Sunfur wander away, as lost in thought as he was, but he turned to see his clanmate's head sticking out of a bush. [color=0072bc][b]"What did you find?"[/b][/color] he padded over quickly and looked at the flattened and disturbed bushes in confusion. [color=0072bc][b]"This is a terrible place to try and rest. This close to the rapids you can't hear anything coming and all the scents are muddled."[/b][/color] He parted his jaws again, definitely picking up the scents of those strange cats that had been over by the rapids, and followed it deeper into the woods. Away from the rapids and towards their camp. His fur immediately prickled with nerves and his breath caught in his throat. [color=0072bc][b]"The scent is headed towards camp Sunfur. I know Fernstar said to stay out until we found Maplestream or the sun rose, but there aren't enough cats in camp to defend it. We have to go back, and maybe if we're lucky Maplestream will be with them."[/b][/color] Fernstar would understand right?