Umbril nearly doubled over in a fit of laughter at Julius panicking over something like a simple mouse, indeed if the lich had tear ducts he would be crying with laughter at the sheer ridiculousness of such a fear. [color=gray]"Oh this is priceless! Your afraid of a little [i]mouse[/i]!"[/color] he continued laughing as he made his way over to the rodent, having his skeletons surround it as he looked at the devil looking afraid [color=gray]"I never thought I'd see the day one of Hell's creatures would be afraid of an itty-bitty mouse, get a grip Julius it can't hurt you! Your bigger than it aren't you?"[/color] the lich tilted his head quizzically as he watched the devil closely [color=gray]"Your a devil and it's a mouse, your stronger it's weaker so kill it."[/color] he told Julius.