Eddie scoffed at her compliment as he made his way to the door. She continued to speak as she walked with him, earning a chuckle from the gun runner. With her last commet he stopped and looked at her with a smirk. [color=lightgreen]"No promises. Though don't let the convoy stick too close to each other. We'll scatter then regroup in the Vegas safehouse. Bleddie long drive but we can't stay local."[/color] he instructed her with a casual tone. [color=lightgreen]"Just don't take too long, I need my eye candy."[/color] he joked as he gave her chin a light and gentle flick. He turned to leave once more for his truck, opening the passenger door and dumping his gear behind his seat. To say he trusted her would be a lie. In this business one couldn't trust anyone. But she had proven herself valuable with his operations and knew she would get the rest of the outfit out in one piece. A bunch of unassuming crates and containers were loaded up onto his truck before he started the smoking diesel engine. Glancing over to Scarlett, he waved her over. [color=lightgreen]"Ditch the vehicles as well halfway. No evidence or loose ends. Don't be a stranger."[/color] he quipped, flashing her a wink before driving out of the warehouse ahead of a few other vehicles following after him. . [@KrystalKleo]