Overall the packing and moving seemed to go according to plan. They had learned the hard way to not get comfortable, no matter where they stationed. After a couple hours of driving, Eddie sent the address to the trucks following him before taking a different route. The others soon followed and scattered to the wind. Eddie turned up the volume of his radio and sat back, cruising along a highway towards his destination. His mind drifted back to the mission that went south. It didn't make sense that a church so hell-bent on toppling the government would suddenly tip off the FBI. It was obviously an inside job. But even with his precautions, there were simply too many people who could have let them know. The obvious solution was to take them all out... though the thought of plugging his closest lieutenant didn't sit well with him. As suspicious as he was, he didn't want to immediately act on her. He brushed it off. He could easily chalk up a list of people who knew the new address. If this move flopped, he would know who to take out... however only one person had the real address. The rest was all a meeting point for the crew to assemble. He hoped that his suspicions were wrong. By nightfall, he pulled into a motel and checked in under an alias. He got himself a decent meal and immediately got ready for bed afterwards. Laying in bed, he opened his chat with Scarlett on his phone. [color=lightgreen]::Howzit sweetheart. Missing me already?::[/color] he sent her with a snicker. He figured that she would have stopped somewhere as well by now. [color=lightgreen]::You guys make good time?::[/color] he sent shortly after. [@KrystalKleo]