Scarlett had parked up to some run-down motel that was barely filling four rooms a night. The kind that ladies of the night tended to bring desperate lovers. A hot shower was what she was craving, opting for sending her lackie out for some McDonald's and beer. A clean shower and a greasy burger got her nice and relaxed. She turned on the ancient television, not surprised that it only had four channels to choose from. The news would have to do for background noise. Hearing her phone whistle at her, she rolled her eyes and picked it up. [color=ec008c]:Better time than you I can bet. Five star or cab sleeping it? Why'd no one remind me that Daryl doesn't shut the fuck up?:[/color] She sent him with an eye-rolling emoji. She set her phone down beside her and rolled onto her side. Double checking that her defense was under the pillow, she closed her eyes wanting to get on the road early.