Snorting at her message, Eddie rolled onto his stomach as he started typing. [color=lightgreen]::Doubt it. Comfy bed, lekker food, might as well take the motel board off and make it a luxury resort.::[/color] he sent her with a smirk emoji. He stared at his screen for a bit before typing further. [color=lightgreen]::Can come pick you up. Can't be too far from me. It's a double bed and I'm sure it's more comfortable than yours. Plus you even got your own bed warmer right next to you then.::[/color] he sent her as he grinned at his screen, his mind slowly descending into the gutter. Checking the time, he set his phone aside and rolled onto his back. He would laugh if he actually managed to convince her to go along with his stupid idea. The thought reminded him of something as he picked up his phone again. [color=lightgreen]::Ditch Daryl, my conversation is a lot more interesting.::[/color] he sent her with another smirk emoji. [@KrystalKleo]