Ebe watched as Aliva beckoned her. "Nah. I'll head back in too." Ebe followed for a few paces with Aliva. "When and what is for dinner?" she asked as her stomach grumbled. Ebe hadn't eaten yet for the day. Instead, she wandered around the edges of the base with Ramune for some time. It was partially for exercise, but it was also to take a break from chit-chat and chores. Though she did take her chores seriously as she helped contribute to making things stay "well-oiled" and the elders happy. "Any strange infected tales from the base today?" Ebe asked Aliva, curious about the monsters that roamed the world. Sure, she was spoiled--she knew it. She only went out a few runs that were deemed safe enough for the young ones. She'd only ever encountered wild Harin, Lions, or Spinned Lions similar to Spike. The most dangerous creature she helped take down with several others was a mutated spiked wolf.