[h1][b][i][color=aba400][center]Maximillian Gray[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/rmBRrwyf/image.png[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=aba400][b]Location[/b][/color]: Mutant Underground [color=aba400][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Conjuration[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/815396087770644550/1c9ad945912d26fc02f09a7a7f32860e.png]New Outfit[/url][/center] [hr][hr] [h1][b][i][color=E610B8][center]Echo[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/9FWbx1tc/image.png[/img][/center][hr][center][color=E610B8][b]Location[/b][/color]: Mutant Underground[color=E610B8][b]Skills[/b][/color]: .[/center][hr][hr] Max turned on his heel and followed out behind Echo until he reached the doorway. He stopped to think as an idea had rushed into his head. They were always running into danger and the training room was made to test one's skills and push them past their usual boundaries, so it stood to reason soon someone would get hurt. [Color=aba400]"Give me a moment I want to try something real quick"[/color] Max held his hands to his sides and then pushed forwards, attempting to have his magic reach the entirety of the room and turn it into a new infirmary. Stainless steel beds, sink for washing and sanitizing their hands, cabinets full of necessary chemicals and suppiles, and most importantly he focused on travel kits for the field. He thought about a nice vintage Swiss medics bag, full of supplies like magnetic tweezers for pulling out shrapnel, gauze for bleeding, tape, anything he could imagine. His magic whirled out and only centered itself in the floor before him. The room remained barren but clean, and all he managed to create was a two Fisher Price Swiss Doctors bags. Max let out a nervous chuckle as he watched the items formed. Realizing it hadn't gone how he wanted. Echo interjected as he saw what was transpiring and tried to corral Max off the idea. [Color=E610B8]"Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day and you can't fix this old building in an evening. Let's get back towards the meeting and we can work on this room after the fact ok?"[/color] Echo started to walk back towards Callie, only making it two steps in before he noticed he couldn't hear Max following. As he turned to see him, there was an intense concentration on his face, as if he was trying to prove something to someone. Max rolled his shoulders and shook his arms in an attempt to loosen himself up. There was a quiet exhale that echoed in the empty room. He pushed his magic out again, focusing on changing the items within the bags, as well as the bags, into actual useful items. After a bit of struggling he managed to get a thermometer and syringe to change into their real counterparts. What they could do with that he had no idea, but it was a start. [Color=aba400]"Man I must be more worn out than I thought. I guess creating an entire new space that wasn't there before and outfitting it with gear is more straining than I gave it credit for."[/color] There was a slight hint of defeat to his voice. Like he didn't feel accomplished enough having done the one really good thing. [Color=E610B8]"Thats a lot of work I imagine. It's not easy doing what you just did, and anyone would be tired after having completed that."[/color] Granted Echo had no idea how true that was. He knew little to nothing about the mutants power or how extensive the exhaustion would be for the task. But if anything is said with confidence it can be believed. He began to walk once more, waving for Max to follow along. [Color=E610B8]"Alright I mean it this time, we gotta go."[/color] It was hard watching someone fail when they try so hard. Seeing defeat in someone's eyes when they have the potential to be great. Max just needed a little push...but after the meeting. Max let out a harsh sigh as he walked through the doorframe and mumbled under his breath. [Color=aba400]"Wanda could create an entire reality and she never got tired."[/color] He finally answered with with a whiny tone. [Color=aba400]"Fiiiine. Not like anyone wants me there anyway but I'll go."[/color] As soon as he crossed the threshold Max whipped around and tried one last time in a quick motion. A bag was finally formed, vintage leather, drop out front, beautiful straps, and...Jacks face? Oh his ears burned red with anger and embarrassment as he uttered a single word and flourished his hand lighting the bag ablaze. But the fire wasn't strong enough to burn away the face nor destroy the nag itself. Echo wanted to remark on what Max had said about Wanda. He didn't know anything about her making a new reality besides what he'd heard. Having no memory of that world of having been apart of it. Though he supposed at the time he was already living his happiest life, so the change would've been minor. However before he had the change to speak up, Max had conjured a bag and then quickly lit it aflame. Panic seared through Echos mind as he raced towards the bag, waving his sleeves at it in an attempt to put out the fire. But the loose fabric only caught into the burning bag and lit his shirt along with it. Echo screamed out in panic as he spastically pulled off his shirt and threw it down as he watched the fabrics burn away. [Color=E610B8]"My Prada..."[/color] Sadly he would have to mourn the loss of such an item later. He ran towards the bag, placing his rollerblade clips on and gripping the bags handle. He skated in a large circle to gain momento and speed as he finally closed in and twirled in the center in the hopes the wind would rush out the fire. The force must've been to strong for thr vintage burned bag as the strap ripped at the hinge and flew directly towards Maxs face. Now Max was face to face with the Jack on the bag, the sound of leather thudding against his nose as it knocked him back and the bag fell to his feet. Max immediately backed away as he rubbed on his face in pain. [Color=aba400]"What the hell?! The hurt"[/color] [Color=E610B8]"That could burn the whole building down and we're Underground! I was trying to put it out."[/color]