[hider=Kingdom of Etrid][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/8b/f8/0b8bf8ca2b1dd461e0bbf7c65634c47a.jpg[/img] The Kingdom of Etrid is the most propserous on all of Geilnor. Situated on the banks of the River Esk, also known as the 'Great River' that connects the North and South shores of Geilnor, Etrid has been blessed with prime positioning to be a trade centre for much of the continent, goods coming by land and sea to be sold and transported to all the other lands. After the fall of Kheris at the end of the first age the Order of the Third Moon also set up residence their great Cathedral sits mere miles away from the capital of Greytry. The Kingdom of Etrid hosts the most fanatical of the Order of the Third Moons believers, magic is outlawed and anyone suspected of consorting with Whitches and Warlocks, or of being one, are taken by the Order to never be heard from again. There is no need for a trial, and those within the Order hold official rank within Etrids military. Able to commandeer guards, soldiers and ships at their will with no need to consult the military superiors. The Grand Inquisitor himself is said to even have the power to overrule the King, not that such power has ever been utilised though after the untimely death of King Grewalt the Grand Inquisitor took charge of the Kingdom until Prince Alten was off age. Now his coronation nears, some more royal to the throne than the Order fear potential disruption in an attempt by the Order to retain power.[/hider] [hider=Kingdom of Uk'Dhar][center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammerfb/images/9/98/Dwarf_KadrinValley01.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140805185213[/img][/center] The Kingdom of Uk'Dhar is situated in the mountains in the north of Geilnor, an expansive range of mountains that plays host to interconnected cities and towns burrowed deep into the mountains. Dwarves live in these mountains like colonies of ants, each having their rightful place and duty to work. Ruled by the great mining families that established the first tunnels centuries ago. The tunnels themselves have been untouched by magic since the end of the first age. Largely independent from the rest of Geilnor few humans have explored the depths of Uk'Dhar beyond some Inquisitors from the Order of the Third Moon. Exporting the finest smithed weapons and metallic goods in exchange for coin and food the Uk'Dhar have a firm and strong economy. The few humans that have ventured into the deep, and the few Dwarves to come forth out into Geilnor proper tell tales of impressive machines powered by steam capable of mass processing of raw materials or transporting tonnes of goods along metal rail systems deep within the mountain. A technology many monarchs throughout Geilnor seem interested in.[/hider] [hider=The Great Plains] [center][img]http://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/06/d2/06d261bf-5649-4010-957e-cfdd2a6e4cde/rb01_preview_03.jpg[/img][/center] The Great Plains exist to the north of Kingdom of Etrid and span much of the continent. Some small settlements exist however the only cities are in ruin, the Great Plains had once been the lands of Kheris, people are not sure whether the land is barren due to war or a curse placed upon the land by the dreaded false God himself. Many refuse to move to more prosperous kingdoms due to stubbornness, fear of persecution or simply due to poverty. Some come to the plains to escape the judgement of law, others to seek fortune in artifacts abandoned after the fall of the first age. There is only one constant, people in the Great Plains become a hardy people, or they do not survive. [hider=The Pyramid of Kheris] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/003/097/341/4k/tiago-sousa-volcano-pyramid.jpg?1469640067[/img] Deep within the Plains lies what was once Kheris' capital. Ravished by war and magic it is now a wasteland, at it's centre the Pyramid that once hosted the most powerful Sorceror in history still stands. The Order of the Third Moon attempted to destroy it after Kheris was defeated, however the land around them burned and turned to molten lava, hundreds lost their lives in what should have been a simple act, as the city burned and crumbled the forces of the Order retreated. When they looked back they saw in horror as the landscape was turned into that of nightmares, everyone who had lived within the city was gone with only the charred and burnt pyramid remaining. The Order still patrols the border around the Pyramid, trying to discourage any would be tomb raider from disturbing it. [/hider][/hider] [hider=Forest of Paeris] [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/2b27c7d7-b63e-42ef-8128-f00b0084986d/d4ic23n-d73fc27e-544f-47bd-93ca-7416949f1a8f.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMmIyN2M3ZDctYjYzZS00MmVmLTgxMjgtZjAwYjAwODQ5ODZkXC9kNGljMjNuLWQ3M2ZjMjdlLTU0NGYtNDdiZC05M2NhLTc0MTY5NDlmMWE4Zi5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.nucS2LJq2OLumsLy7XzfoOc5XsXTgA2fDulAAV9Nk78[/img][/center] while the Great Plains were decimated, the decimation stops abruptly at the start of the Forest of Paeris. Formerly home to the Elve Lords, they stood with the Order of the Third Moon against Kheris in order to preseve the sanctity of their forest. Their assistance was rewarded with their genocide. Both the Wood Elves and the Sea Elves are all but extinct with very few hidden covens remaining hidden away. Now Human cities populate the forests, felling trees to create wide swathes of land for them to build their cities out of stone. Building strong walls to protect them from all forms of beast both magical and ordinary that take exception to their presence within what was once holy land to the Elves. That said trade is bountiful and flows freely down the river Esk towards Etrid and various other destinations.[/hider]