Cat reacted as soon as the thing fell from above.[color=6ecff6]" Fuck!"[/color] She cursed and bolted, her excellent kinetic vision allowing her to recognize the beast in the moment it fell before the dust and debry cloud exploded. Of all things to run into, it had to be one of those! Of course she hadn't seen this exact one before, but as a soldier she had seen similar ones that all fell under the same category and she sorely regretted not getting an anti-material rifle before leaving. Sadly those were held under lock and key in the armory and only used when taken on missions, so she couldn't just grab one. Cat knew she could outrun this thing through difficult terrain and she could easily outclimb it, the problem came if it tried to have the wall she was climbing destroyed while she was on it. That would be unpleasant. She had ran at a slightly different direction from the man she had just encountered. Yet another thing that made this day weird. Turning a quick glance at him, she noted he was going up a pile of rubble. Yeah that was a decent plan, she was planning to just make a move downwards back into the underground where the tunnels were tighter and this thing would have difficulty chasing her, however going up also worked. Suddenly with her periferal vision she could something as the mutant had decided to chase after her since she wasn't immediately going up. The guy threw a rope! She made a shift in different directions, making it hard for the creature to use it's powerful 'legs' to do a straight charge at her. [color=6ecff6]"Well..."[/color] She mumbled and made a sudden shift in direction, weaving around a pillar as she ran towards the rope. She used a bit of the rubble to jump higher as she grabbed the rope and rapidly pulled herself up with a trained ease, while also bundling some of the rope as she went to not allow the mutant to grab it and pull it down since where it would snap is anybody's guess.[color=6ecff6]" Thanks!"[/color] She called as she pulled herself over the edge.