[quote=@RainyHigh] [@Vatonage] Fellow rp-er, Shandris sounds fantastic. I think Marina could get behind Shandris's quest as getting rid of a few particular humans would help out with healing the Earth's natural balance... or at least that is what I think Marina would try to say to convince Shandris. [/quote] I wanted to go for something other than the standard evil mage, necromancer, or *insert bad guy trope here* and the first thing that popped in my head was a fantasy ecoterrorist. But yeah, I can see them getting along. Marina wants to get rid of humans, and humans are ravishing the land to further develop their civilization and kingdoms, so they'd likely work together in that respect. [@Kenshi] I included the image in a url link through her name. Mouse over Shandris and you'll see it.