Marina was in the hallway outside trying to straighten out her leather vest she was wearing while one of her servants stood nearby holding her staff. The servant was a gnome creature about three feet tall, its skin made of diamond material. They looked up at her and sighed while rolling their eyes as she kept fidgeting with her clothes. "I can feel you rolling your eyes at me, Scara." Scara straightened their face back to a neutral one as Marina finally shrugged and reached out her hand for her magical staff. "We've come a long way Scara. To think that back home, we were forgotten by the masses as though we were a myth." "Master, you weren't popular, to begin with, though among the other myths in our home country." "Silence Scara. You will not speak of such insolence amongst the Council of Evil." Scara shook their head silently as they followed Marina to the doors. Marina pushed forward and stepped into the room, looking around at the Council's room's messy appearance only to realize that it wasn't impressive as she would have hoped. Biting her bottom lip, she frowned and spotted someone already sitting at the round table. She wasn't a popular or famous witch herself; in fact, she spent over a hundred years trying to make a name for herself in a time where it was impossible to rise above other legends. She noticed the man with a gaunt appearance and dark eyes dressed in robes and nodded her head once before pulling a seat out to sit down. She picked one opposite the stranger as she did not feel like making much small talk. Though she did want to make a good first impression... she leaned forward as though she were going to speak, but at the last second, she realized she had nothing to say. So there she was, leaning forward, mouth open and no words coming out. Scara, the servant, stood behind her and smacked themselves in the face with their palm.