[b]The Illithid glided down the spiralling steps that led to the main chambers below, he simply was taking his dear time as he always has done in the past, for he knows they shall not start this grand meeting without his presence. He paused momentarily looking at his reflection from the windowed book case hanging from the wall. Such magnificent beauty, simply put, no mere mortal or immortal looked as good as he does for a two hundred year old being. Of course he may have flourished on the age, he was rather ancient, but what he knows and what they need to know, are two different things. Continuing his gliding, he eventually made it to the dark marbled floor, and walked along the red carpet he had his minions lay out for him. Entering the doors of the council room, he simply bowed in curtsy fashion in the middle of the room, before taking his seat, and greeting his allies.[/b] [color=red]"The meeting may start now."[/color]