Herro RPGuild. I'm a 22 and a guy. (Atleast I hope so...) I've actually been doing fantasy and sci-fi roleplay since I was about 13, mostly contributing to a small fun little world build that has grown into practically a full intellectual property. I'm here because one of my best friends who helped start it disappeared due to drama, and as our main DM, there was nobody to help run it. TDLR; years long old rp died, need a new place to get fix. As for my style, I'm very much a casual roleplayer, I don't really do multiparagraphs and extensive character backstories. I don't take my writing very seriously (I will absolutely reference pop culture, for example). Expect me to be in free roleplaying quite a bit. I don't really do sexual stuff, I find it uncomfortable, so when it's brought up I just fade to black, essentially. Language, violence and other adult topics I don't have a problem with though. Anyway, nice to meet you all, I just hope I'm a good fit for this community.