[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200128/1818265312da69997d156e189625772f.png[/img] [Img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/97/e1/2f/97e12fbb361de1e98e8bd2c23247c1e6.jpg[/img] [Color=crimson]Time:[/color] Night [Color=crimson]Location:[/color] Market Square, River Port [Color=crimson]Interaction:[/color] [@princess] Risa, [@Alivefalling] Valamir[/center] Unlike Risa, Valaeon landed quite clumsily due to his haste. He had slammed his tail against the ground to slow his momentum and skid his feet a few feet. He let loose a grunt as he got his footing before facing Valamir and kneeling to greet his master. Despite outranking Valamir within the Sanguine Draconis Militia, Valaeon had a great deal of respect for the dragonborn that had taught him combat since he was a mere wyrmling. He was essentially Valaeon's second father figure. Once Valamir patted Valaeon on the shoulder, he stood with a huge smile on his face. [Color=crimson]"Welcome to River Port Master Ligthningfang! And what good thinking, because it worked!"[/color] Valaeon seemed to ignore the fact it had possibly disturbed the entire town. When Valamir asked Risa who she was, he stepped between the two, now with a serious face. [Color=crimson]"Here is not the right place, but she is the one I have been seeking. The one who might help us change things here in Avalia. Rexus and Baerun are not confident in her, so I must disprove their predeterminations about her and her commitment."[/color] Valaeon hoped Valamir was not here to talk him out of this. He would refuse even his beloved master.