[h1] [color=purple]Kalama Guynn[/color] & [color=cadetblue]Rowan Childe[/color] [/h1] [h3][i]Poor Yorick's[/i][/h3] [color=cadetblue]“About Ken? What about Ken?”[/color] Rowan asked, a little too quickly. Though he was a little flustered and more than a little flattered by how abruptly the other man had offered to change his flirting strategy, the mention of the boy with the rats still got his blood pumping. Although the scene was eerily familiar to the deer and the squirrel, he had been consciously aware of doing it both times - that had felt different, and clearly affected Ken differently too. Already about his powers being discovered, the dreadlocked veteran tried his best to play down the abrupt question. [color=cadetblue]“I mean yeah, that was weird, but I don’t know what happened,”[/color] He explained, finally taking a sip of his chai. That took an instant weight off his shoulders. He couldn’t quite explain why the chai made his day so much brighter, given the mix was pretty average for a college kid coffee shop, but it clearly was made with love. [color=cadetblue]“Thanks Kal,”[/color] he murmured as his roommate took a sip of her own drink, a mexican mocha with chili, and offered him a little smile over the rim of the mug. [color=purple]“Something in the air? I thought allergy season was over,”[/color] Kal quipped to Valeria. [color=purple]“But yeah, same.”[/color] She leaned back in her chair to check the group text, and happened to glance over at Elysia’s drawings, noticing one that seemed eerily familiar. [color=purple]“Wait, you’ve only been here a minute. When did you draw this?”[/color] She asked the other girl, tilting the paper to check out the spider with a strangely familiar hairstyle. But before she could get an answer, the vibe of the room suddenly shifted. The subtle effects of her drinks were overshadowed abruptly by something that pushed on her mind the same way the dreams did. Her concern mounted as Kyle started speaking, and her big, dark eyes flicked to Caleb for a moment, guilt mixing with alarm as she remembered her first fire. The others since only confirmed what Kyle was saying, that there was something going on that defied all logic and reason… but what connection did anyone else at this table possibly have to it? To her surprise, it was Rowan who spoke first. [color=cadetblue]“You’re not crazy,”[/color] He said point blank. He stared down at the table, frowning intensely as he tried to decide whether he wanted to do this or not. Trusting others was difficult, but Kyle was right. The dreams, the feelings, there were invisible bindings running between all of them that he couldn’t quite define. Lying to Caleb had seemed necessary, but felt wrong as soon as the falsehood left his lips. [color=cadetblue]“Do you remember that deer that walked right into the middle of the building? I think I did that. And I know that sounds crazy, but…”[/color] He trailed off and held his hand out, closing his eyes. For a minute Kalama just stared, wondering if he was actually losing his marbles, before a moth suddenly flew into his open palm. Followed by a gnat, a second gnat, a fly… every bug in the building seemed to be flocking to that single point. She almost couldn’t believe her eyes - but compared to starting fires with her mind, was this really so bizarre?