[b]Syrzan shook with disgust as he gurgled some fresh blood to remove that vile tasting brain from his mouth, his head twitched and twisted from side to side. [color=crimson]"Abnormal brains are the worse, makes me feel icky"[/color] He decided to go for a stroll while the others fought some giant hairless mole. [color=crimson]"Moles are just so beneath me, like some of my allies"[/color]chuckled Syrzan. He paused at a set of spiral stairs that went down into the depths of the castle. [color=crimson]"I do not believe I've been down there, but it's so dark, maybe I should see if someone will hold my hand."[/color] [color=crimson]"Egads, now I am talking like that wretched woman"[/color]said the Illithid as he tried to spit any remains of her brain out. [color=crimson]"Perhaps I could find a secret room or a lost ancient treasure."[/color] [color=yellow]Syrzan heads down the spiraling steps in search of secret treasure.[/color][/b]