I'll just post both apps here and in the casual thread. [Hider=Andrew Moore] [b]Appearance:[/b] [COLOR=#99ccff][url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/029/761/093/large/lixin-yin-ph.jpg?1598553466]Image of Moore[/url][/color] [B]Name: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Moore, Andrew[/COLOR] [B]Age: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]38[/COLOR] [B]Callsign: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Apple - Andrew often likes to bake, given if he has time for it at all, and will bake all forms of apple-based products that range from apple-pies to apple-tarts. He really just like apples is all.[/COLOR] [B]Kills:[/b] [COLOR=#99ccff]17 (2 MAS, 5 Warships, 10 Fortresses)[/COLOR] [B]Psychological Analysis: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Andrew Moore is very gentle in his mannerisms. He takes things very calmly and slowly. He is not one to rush. There is something very methodical and deliberate about the ways that he does things. We can also see this in his speaking as well. He takes time to think about what he will say next. We never saw him talk out of order. On the topic of his speech, he has a very soft voice. A calm and smooth tone, if you will. If anything, Moore appears to be a very friendly man. He is not harsh or mean to anyone nor he is hiding anything below the surface. There is a very delicate touch to him. Our team can not exactly explain it. But do note that Moore does not like to speak about his military experience all too much, especially to strangers. He normally just gives very vague or very detailed reports on it, mainly the vague part. We can only guess that he has some memories that he does not like to remember, and we will leave at that for now. On another note, Moore is very honest. He will speak his mind on many topics that range from food to politics, but he is very mindful when and where he speaks.[/COLOR] [B]Personal Record: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]”Report on Andrew Moore: Details on the man’s past is quite scarce since Moore does not like to speak about his past nor does he really remember a lot of it, but we have managed to pick out some key details to form some-kind of biography on his early life. Andrew Moore was born extremely poor with his parents unable to meet expenses. Luckily for the Moore family, government welfare programs managed to offset some of those costs of living. Public schooling was Andrew’s primary method of education. The only details that he gave during his whole sixteen years of public education was, as to quote him, “good and swell”. Upon interviewing his teachers, they noted that Andrew Moore was a very lovely student and generally kept up with his grades and studies. Outside of the classroom, we managed to find out that he only had a few friends that he kept as very close friends throughout his whole public schooling. Surprisingly, he still keeps in contact with them. Upon further investigation, our team has nothing else to note down that would be of significant value, except for the financial struggles that still plagued Andrew’s life. Moore graduated with a high school diploma but did not have the grade-records to get into any of the higher colleges within his local area. Moore did not opt to join a community college and instead joined the army. The main driver behind his decision was mainly financial as the military offered a very generous benefit for enlistment. As noted by Andrew himself, he wanted to pay off the debts for his family. Moore was fortunate enough to give us a detailed recount of his experiences at boot-camp and later infantry combat training. These details can be found on the next page. For now, we will generalize. Andrew noted that he did not particularly like the military atmosphere of his superiors, often overbearing as said by Moore. While that may be, Andrew continued to march on with basic training. Over time, he got used to it. Moore had great respect for his fellow soldiers while harboring quite the dislike for his officers. After basic training, Andrew was moved into the 204th Legion - a garrison for one of the colonies. A few months later, the war started. Moore did not share a lot about his time in the war itself. Quoting him, he told us to “look up the records and you’ll find everything that you need to know about my military experiences.” We did as told and found that the 204th Legion was reassigned to more active duty than being a simple garrison. We noted a total of two major campaigns that Moore was involved in. The first one was the Basil Campaign. That involved a spearhead into Coalition frontier planets, resulting in brutal sieges. The other was the Samuil Campaign. This time, the 204th Legion had to retake captured planets from Coalition hands. We asked Andrew about the campaigns, and all he said was “it was bloody brutal.” After those two campaigns, Andrew Moore took a short “break” from combat to train as a technician. It was around this time that the Empire has offered new opportunities for veterans. This was about the mobile armor suit program, a response to the Coalition Mobile Armor Division. Andrew was given the opportunity and joined. Moore said that he was a-part of the 6th Mobile Suit Force and that does line up with the records. From now on, we can only rely on Andrew Moore himself to give us the rest of his history. Our team does not have access to any of the flies that concern the last campaign of the 6th Mobile Suit Force. Moore gave us a very brief overview of what occurred. He said that the Coalition had cut their way deep into the outer-planets, getting dangerously close to a core-world. His division was sent over to stabilize the situation at hand. Once the front was held, Moore was then involved in the ensuing counter-attack. For his duty, Moore was given the chance to join the 101st Mobile Armor Force. He took it, of course.” - Personnel File of Andrew Moore. [/COLOR] [B]Equipment: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Nothing out of the ordinary for his job.[/COLOR] [/hider] [hider=T-120] [B]Appearance: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff][url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4be5a63b-d13b-44eb-8b2a-b20f7edf0754/d8omo1d-1c8a6983-f851-4c3f-97a6-48ffe13e3aff.jpg/v1/fill/w_1600,h_1600,q_75,strp/battletech_box_cover__by_flyingdebris_d8omo1d-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xNjAwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGJlNWE2M2ItZDEzYi00NGViLThiMmEtYjIwZjdlZGYwNzU0XC9kOG9tbzFkLTFjOGE2OTgzLWY4NTEtNGMzZi05N2E2LTQ4ZmZlMTNlM2FmZi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTYwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.n8PuxbaV5bF9CvbH5UtSyoRFOLOCgzckccfjDeJUt7Q]Image of T-120 in Battle[/url][/COLOR] [B]Designation:[/B][COLOR=#99ccff]T-120 (Mass Produced)[/COLOR] [B]Role: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Heavy Assault Walker[/COLOR] [B]Description: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]The T-120 is the product of Chelyabinsk Heavy Industries (CHI), located in the Neutral States. The mobile suit itself is a highly reliable, durable, mod-ability, and easy to repair heavy model. This makes it very common among mercenaries and other nations that are unable to provide their own heavy-duty mobile suits. In exchange for such endurance, the T-120 is not well suited for speed or elegance. Most often, the T-120 is used as a heavy infantry support platform or a heavy-breakthrough vehicle: stuffed with the heaviest guns, armor, and shields. Unlike the mobile suits of the United Earth Empire and the Coalition, the T-120 was made with a very different design philosophy. Its rough and industrial appearance is a result of the need, or want, for a mobile suit to be able to take heavy punishment and dish out punishment. As for how Andrew got his T-120, it was not all that complex. He needed it for a mission but kept his suit since he liked it a lot.[/COLOR] [B]Systems: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff][u][b]Kirov Superheavy Lascannon (Superheavy)[/b][/u] - This direct-fire laser cannon isn’t all that threatening in appearance, but it can easily punch through shields and armor alike without much effort. The fast maturity of laser technology has allowed the Kirov Superheavy Lascannon to be a deadly weapon on the battlefield - sporting better and cheaper focusing chambers, cooling systems, and other mechanisms vital to its operations. The lascannon is mounted on the right lower-chest, and its inner-workings located in the back of the T-120. The rate of fire for the cannon is 32 shots per minute with the range being as far as the sensors of the T-120 can go. [u][b]MRL-20 (Primary)[/b][/u] - The MRL-20, or multiple rocket launcher-20, is a single pod missile delivery system that contains 8 missiles. The T-120 has a twin-linked system of two pods on its upper-chest. Each missile has the ability to track its target with the goal of hoping to overwhelm counter-systems. One or two missiles can easily disable a med-mobile suit. Add more missiles to the equation and you will get a ruined enemy mobile suit. [u][b]M-10 Melter (Primary)[/b][/u] - The M-10 Melter is a direct result of the Basil Campaign, in where Coalition planets were heavily fortified with a series of fortresses and bunker complexes. The M-10 Melter was a solution to that problem. The weapon in question is essentially a close-range plasma flamethrower that was meant to melt walls of metal and concrete. Now, the melter was not meant for MAS combat, but it can be used as such in a pitch. The melter is mounted on the right under-arm. [u][b]Missile Defense System-6 (Secondary)[/b][/u] - The MDS-6, or the Missile Defense System-6, is a hard-kill defense system mounted all over the T-120’s body. Sensors will detect any incoming object and send forth penetrators to intercept it. [u][b]M60 20mm Autocannon (Secondary)[/b][/u] - self-explanatory to what it is - has a fire rate of 320 rounds per minute. The weapon is mounted under the left underarm. An ammo backpack supplies the rounds needed, located at the back, and has 4,000 rounds. [b][u]Countermeasure System (Utility)[/u][/b] - Chaff and flares. Very self-explanatory. [u][b]‘Rhino’ Defense Package (Utility)[/b][/u] - In exchange for mobility, the T-120 has undertaken an extensive overhaul of its armor and bulkheads. Not only does it add more armor to the upper chassis, but it also adds armor to the arms, legs, and everywhere else. In addition, more bulkheads and internal support-structures have been installed to further enchant protection for the overall chassis. Combined with the alright high-durable nature of the T-120, Andrew’s mobile suit is considerably tankier, albeit at the cost of some mobility. [b][u]Class 2 Fortress Shield (Utility)[/u][/b] - Class 2 fortress shield operates in a similar fashion to reflex shields. The basic designs and method of shielding are all the same, but there are some key differences. First among them is the higher-capacity of damage that these shields can take; a result of increasing the size and scale of the shield gens. The second is the slower recharge rates because of said shield generators and their different inner-workings. Lastly is the weight of the generators, reducing mobility by a decent margin. Combined together with Rhino, the T-120 has very exemplary staying power. [/COLOR][/hider]