It wasn't Tyrhallan who answered it was his father, Pharlan. [color=9e0b0f]"In her hands? Well that depends on what Leandra is planning to do with her."[/color] He teased his face betraying him by the playful squinting of his eyes as he smiled, raising an easy gloved hand however he tried to ease Arn's worries. [color=9e0b0f]"My wife has been pining for some young lady to Mother over. She is the sole reason Tyrhallan isn't allowed to cut his long hair. At least allow me the illusion, she would say. So I am quite certain she will shower your lovely intended with all the attention and care she currently might be in need of. Still, I suggest you take Master Arn and help him into something more...comfortable. We can't have it said we neglect the wellbeing of our guests."[/color] Pharlan noted before adding. [color=9e0b0f]"Also my brother will be visiting soon, he spoke of his desire to converse with you when he heard of your intending arrival. So I suggest you two change, I'll be waiting in the parlor."[/color] Tyrhallan sighed turning to Arn slightly. [color=ed1c24]"Come on, I'll take you up and see if we can find you something of mine that might fit you."[/color] He suggested, feeling the pressure of his uncle coming. [color=ed1c24]"Not that your dressrobes aren't good enough...but no matter how well you might alter the dress of Miss Eilis, it is clear it wasn't meant for her."[/color] He took a hold of the collar near Arn's chest. "Higher society frowns upon too much flashing of the chest and a dress that doesn't really fit, gets unwanted attention immediately." He said before he sighed. [color=ed1c24]"I know it is a pain, but see it as a way of getting some extra clothing. Enjoy the luxuries while they last, war will call us again soon enough. Not that she didn't look good in your underrobes."[/color] He stated lightly. As he guided Arn up towards the higher levels and into his own private chambers, maids and servants stepped aside getting out of their way. [color=ed1c24]"I am certain all this must overwhelm you. I suppose it strange to shift surroundings so suddenly..." [/color]He said as Dannesh hurried after them. [color=ed1c24]"Help me pick something out for Master Arn Dannesh. You always have better sense and taste than me."[/color] Tyr asked of his manservant who smiled and nodded eagerly. [color=82ca9d]"Of course Sir, allow me."[/color] He answered taking over from Tyrhallan who had opened the closet doors. Dannesh pulled out a comfortable set of soft silvery dark greys and deep crimson reds, with finely patterned stitching. [color=82ca9d]"This might suit Master Arn, as the clothing are more flexible and comfortable especially considering the injuries Master Arn seems to have."[/color] He stated noticing the surprised looks. [color=82ca9d]"Begging your pardon sir, but it caught my eye as you had some difficulty ascending the stairs, I assumed with both of you coming from the front, you might have sustained injuries and Master Tyrhallan never really took to it, so he won't be missing it."[/color] Tyrhallan regarded the suit and nodded. [color=ed1c24]"You're right as always Dannesh, this would suit him better than it would me. Get him some extra shirts and pants, a couple of boots and...."[/color] Tyrhallan listed before he stopped and turned to Arn. [color=ed1c24]"What do you prefer, Capes, Mantles or Coats?"[/color] He asked as Dannesh handed him his own change of clothes and continued gathering clothing for Arn for the short term. [color=ed1c24]"No matter...We'd best allow a tailor to do the rest. These are just for now." [/color]Tyrhallan said with a smile before suggesting he'd look them over and pick his favourites, before Dannesh helped him change out of his old clothes and into the new. [color=ed1c24]"Also I might have to take you down to see the library in the morning, but for now that too can wait."[/color] He said as he changed smoothly and quickly with the help of his servant, allowing him to help Arn afterwards. [color=ed1c24]"Right let us see if we can get ahold of something to drink before the ladies join us again, right this way. Thank you Dannesh, you may resume your other duties for now, we'll manage."[/color] Tyr spoke amiably as if there was no difference in station between the two of them. With smooth strides he walked out of his chambers and took Arn on a small round around the house. [color=ed1c24]"...I know you might feel awkward at first, but I want to assure you that my family has never turned away a soul in need, so don't feel like you have to repay us or earn your stay here. If you even mention it to my parents my father will consider it an insult and my mother will think there is something wrong with her hospitality and have a fit. So please accept what we offer you if only to soothe their minds." [/color]Tyrhallan asked before he lead them to the parlor where his father was already waiting pouring a couple of drinks out of a curious looking bottle. No doubt strong liquor. [color=9e0b0f]"Ah, there you two are. Good."[/color] He said as he handed out the glasses to the two of them, before he nodded satisfactory at the sight of the two. [color=9e0b0f]"Better. Now let's get a nip before Lady Venray catches us."[/color] He said with a boyish smile as he took a sip from his glas, allowing the alcohol to roll over his tongue. [color=ed1c24]"Mother doesn't really approve. Father used to smoke too, but when he married my mother he had to part ways with one of his vices. He chose smoking. Still doesn't make her approve of his taste for alcohol. This is a smooth deoch bhranda."[/color] Tyrhallan explained, before he raised his own glas and was about to take a sip when they heard a pair of approaching footfalls and the soft clicking of wood on marble. As they turned a tall sharply dressed man entered the parlor wearing a tired expression as he looked up to the three of them. [color=9e0b0f]"Uilles!"[/color] Lord Pharlan immediately exclaimed as he rushed over, before being waved away by his elder brother. [color=9e0b0f]"Why didn't you wait for a manservant to help you..."[/color] [color=a0410d]"Oh Hush Pharlan, I'm a cripple not an invalid. I don't need them to get accross a hallway and a couple of stairs or hang a coat, besides they have enough to do. So stop fretting and step aside so I may make my way over to that chair."[/color] He said gesturing towards one of the more comfortable seats near the fire place. [color=a0410d]"But if you must pester me, hand me an uisce beatha, before Leandra comes down."[/color] He said as the elder brother moved past lord Pharlan and sighed when he finally sat down. He placed the long wooden cane in between his legs as Tyrhallan handed him a glass with the desired water of life. He took a sip and leaned back as his brow furrowed before looking at the two young men in the room. [color=a0410d]"So...will one of you tell me what the hell happened out there?"[/color] He asked, his weariness etched in his weatherbeaten face. Tyrhallan nodded. [color=ed1c24]"I know I let you all down. Whilst we took take of the initial attack, we were blindsided and distracted, therefore we never saw the other force until it was far too late."[/color] Uilles nodded. [color=a0410d]"Well you managed to get the palace in quite the uproar. I had to make sure the queen was secure first before leaving, but let's say that this has rattled them. The Spymaster nearly spit out the wine he had been drinking. Safe to say he is not easily caught unawares. This however...We never dreamed they would be able to get so close to the capital."[/color] Uilles said as he turned the glass and its contents in hand before taking another swallow. [color=a0410d]"The Knight Commander was quite ready to strangle you avoid him for a while."[/color] Tyrhallan nodded. [color=ed1c24]"I've brought shame upon this house. I will restore our honour that I promise you Uncle."[/color] He vowed, before he saw his Uncle shake his head. [color=a0410d]"This has nothing to do with shame. According to the rapports you send me you did what you were supposed to do. The enemy simply outsmarted our defenses. Not even the Bull will argue with that. Also they haven't won yet, the Hearth Guard will give these Vaimese invaders a warm welcome." [/color] The elderly ex-Knight regarded Arn with sharp eyes, it was clear the man was watching him with interest, almost as if he was sizing him up, before another commotion drew their attention. The ladies finally had finished changing. Now Lady Venray walked in with her arm linked with Eilis, whom had gotten a transformation that had turned her into a proper young lady. Her hair was brushed and done in a low updo, with only a lock or two deliberately escaping, whilst Leandra had handed her a velvet green dress with fine bead and needlework. Still somewhat unused to the train, Eilis had been keeping her eyes on her feet so she wouldn't step on it. The tips of soft leathery boots peaked out from underneath it as they moved closer towards the men." Until they reached one of the more comfortable couches Leandra finally released her in order to greet Uilles. [color=ec008c]"So glad you got here safely Uilles."[/color] She stated giving a the man a graceful courtesy that flowed up and down with the experience of years. With Eilis hurriedly following suit, clearly having been instructed, but not having the practice to pull it off gracefully yet. The man however made no remark upon it to her relief. [color=a0410d]"I beg your pardon ladies, I would bow properly at the sight of you, but I fear this was all my old legs for now could muster. I beg your forgiveness and pray you will not think less of me."[/color] Uilles said smoothly before he received a playful swat on the shoulder from Leandra's fan. [color=ec008c]"Oh hush you terrible man, you know perfectly well we would never hold it against you."[/color] She stated before letting the men get away with their drinking before smiling contently at Eilis and ordering tea for them. [color=ec008c]"Young Miss Eilis is delightful, I am very happy you brought them here Tyrhallan, for I shall have difficulty parting with her again, but I dare say I am amazed that this old dress of mine still works its magic."[/color] She said with a satisfied smile seeing the men's attention to it. Arn's:[url][/url] Eilis:[url][/url]